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Last time on Terrors, Scar received two phone calls, a not and a visit from a mysterious man that may be related to the man who's causing all these problems. The first call is a reminder of what is to come. The next call she received, well let's take a look at this chapter and see what was communicated to Scar.       


          You all know the story of Elena Gilbert in the vampire diaries. How she lost everyone around her and almost went coo coo. That's how I see the story of her life though. Well, surprise surprise I might just be her reincarnate. Everyone I love keeps dying and it is so not pretty. So it looks like I just lost another person but its not who I'd have expected it to be.

            Cole's mom was dead. To say I was surprised, shocked, angry, sad and devastated all at the same time would be the biggest understatement of the year. When I received the call, the person on the other line said there was a note addressed to me. So I had to rush over there.

            But when I got there, what I saw left me more shocked than how I already was. The whole place was upside down and Mrs Grey was in the middle of the floor soaked in her blood which had also been splashed everywhere in the room. What was more creepy was that the sick killer used her blood to write something that stuck in my mind.


        Some time later, the autopsy doctors had arrived and they had carried her body out of the house, into an ambulance and far away from her house which she was never coming back to. After everyone had left I decided it was time to clean up that is after I call Mitch and tell her what's going on.

          Picking up my phone, I dialed her number and after one ring she picked up. I could tell she was in a happy mood since she started with "hi chica" but she has to know. So to get the conversation started we talked about how she was doing over there and to that she answered good but just recovered from a flu. The I told her. And for the next 5mins I thought that she had fainted or something because I couldn't hear anything. But the next words I heard shattered me. "Tell me you're lying pleasw?. You're lying right, you just wanna crack jokes right. "When I didn't say anything but just started crying, I think that passed enough message foe the both of us. After sometime I heard nothing but soft breathing and I know she had cried herself to sleep. I knew for sure I would be seeing her sooner than expected. So I cut the call and decide to start cleaning. 

          As I started cleaning, I remembered the note. I saw it on the table in the parlor which had surprisingly not been affected by the whole chaos. I picked it up and placed it in my pocket and started cleaning.
I cleaned for the next three to four hours before everything was spotless how it usually is. I know I have a lot to do. I needed to let her family know so that they could agree on what to do. Also to tell them what Mrs Grey told Mitch and I some time ago. That if she was to die that we should burn her body and pour the ashes in a lake not too far from here. It was her spot and that was her wish.

          I locked up the house and made my way home. Once there I had a long shower to calm my nerves. When I finished my shower I remembered the note. I picked it and carried it to the kitchen so I could fix myself something to munch on. I found my stash of Oreo cookies. Picking out 10 of it, I made my at to the parlor. I opened the not while munching on one Oreo cookie but what I saw brought everything back up and down the toilet. I was scarred forever. How could they do this to an innocent woman.

             I never knew what I was facing until he gave me an actual glimpse into what he could actually do.

Unknown POV
She doesn't know what's coming her way. Before I get to her, I'll make sure I torture her emotionally so it would be easier to break her.

She's dumber than I thought, I'm closer than she thinks and when I hurt her its going to make her want to end her own life. She doesn't put the saying of keep your friends close and enemies closer. She kept me too close to her and now she's going to burn.

Who's the mystery person, what's their ish with Scar anyway. What do you think the note said. I feel its disgusting what we hear nowadays but this seems plain wrong.
Well till next time my lovelies.
Love Tjex 💩

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