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Unknown POV

          I've always seen him as a role model more than anything else. He's always been there for me.

          I don't really know the whole story of our life but I knew what he was doing seemed only fair.

         But sometimes, I feel as though am nothing but a pawn in his made up game.

         His parents took my parents in. And both women happened to be pregnant at the same time. They delivered us only a day apart.

       I was born on the 7th of August. Him on the other hand was born on the 5th of August. So our parents thought it would be sweet to give us seasonal names but it sounded so girly for him. So they thought against it.

         My parents told us the story when we were able to understand. And coming yo find out that your brother who you were told was your twin wasn't actually of the same blood with you, kind of leaves a damage in the heart. Don't you think?
         We were maybe 4months each when the Whites killed his parents. That drove a thirst for revenge in his life. And there was nothing we could do because we all wanted that revenge.

         So we came up with a plan on how to get everything we wanted to be done.

         The plan was simple get close enough to strike. But in plans there's always to be a plot twist.

        It was first day in kindergarten and I met this two fascinating people. One was a girl who was beautiful even as a little child. The other was a boy who I felt could make me happy even at a young age. But one thing was wrong, he was holding the last nutella sandwich. I almost beat the crap out of him.

         From then on we became inseparable. Until the first day my parents met "her", did I know that I had made friends with the enemy, but I already loved her as a sister.

          So I thought why not help my "brother" get his revenge on the parents and let the girl go. My brother agreed but he had other plans.

          He killed her parents. I knew about everything but I didn't tell "her". It would ruin her. Funny enough she's always had a crush on him since we were younger and still likes him. I doubt she'll want nothing but his heart ripped out when she hears of this.

          Even after her parents death, he kept on asking for information about her. I thought maybe, he likes her too and was just keeping an eye out for her.

      But boy was I wrong .

I'm guessing with this you might have an insight on who's behind this but let's see how they're so called plan ends up when something happens to our oh so mysterious person in this chapter.
Well that's all for now my lovelies.
I remain Tjex😋😋

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