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Scar's POV.

I looked up to the voice of the one person who has haunted me in my dreams and me everyday life.

Being in this position right now ,I realized the fact that my latest nightmare has just being set into motion.

The final words of the man in my dreams kept on ringing. You're next.

And in this moment I actually believed it.

With all this going on I didn't notice he had come closer to me with a needle in hand.

"This isn't going to hurt one bit,princess White. I'll be done in a few."

And with that he injected me with more of the poison he has been putting into my body while I was unconscious.

I'm still yet to figure out the name but it's something I feel will kill me from inside out.

He looked at me and asked, " any words princess?"

I coughed and looked up at him,"go to hell".

And with that I spat on his face to which he responded with a slap to my face.

"You'll regret that".

" One fact you should know about me, I have no regrets".

With that I slipped into unconsciousness ready to fight my monsters that were going to show up.

I woke up with a fright but I wasn't in the chair anymore. I couldn't figure out where I was.

It seemed all too familiar but I couldn't place a finger on it.

I tried moving but I couldn't.  I tried again and it was like the same thing. I couldn't move and I didn't know why.

It was an invisible force isn't allowing me to move forward.

I looked ahead and I saw an outline of my parents. I tried reaching out to them but I thought it was of no use. But surprisingly I could.

I ran toward them and they hugged me close to themselves.

"My little minnow you have to come with us now. They're coming and I don't think we could save you from them." My mom said.

I looked at my dad,"my little princess follow us, we know where to go."

I was about to move forward and follow them when I felt something tug me back. I looked to my parents for help but what I saw was nothing that looked like them.

They now had red eyes and I realized then they were my nightmares come to me in form of something I wished I had.

They were trying to get to me but the same force that pulled me back protected me from them.

I felt someone touch my shoulder and I found myself in a totally different scenery.

My funeral.

I can bet if you noticed,I love Moana. Hence the name my little minnow.
Sorry for the cliffhanger but that's just the beginning of her nightmare.
Let's see what happens.
Love Tjex 😍😍

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