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        I was so lost in thought that I didn't know the man had left but he did leave something behind, a note. Guess what, you know what don't bother. Its not something I loved reading. The note said,
           "Friendships are nice but the death of the friend has a nice ring to it don't you think. How would it feel to lose another one? "

       You know that feeling that we always get when we are afraid of losing another person in our lives, well that's exactly how I feel right now. You know what, I'm sick and tired of losing everyone in my life. I'm tired of counting my losses and I'm afraid I'm still in for more counting.

       I was in the backseat of one of the many cars my parents owned with my dad up front and my mom by his side. We were all talking, laughing and singing and I'm my mind I was like what could ever go wrong. I was fifteen at the time and I was still daddy's princess and mommy's spongebob. She calls me her little spongebob just cause I love the cartoon.
        A question popped into my head and I asked my parents, "Do you guys think that we'll have many more road trips like this one even when am older and married with children? "

            My parents looked at each other and smiled, then my mom turned in her chair so she could face me. Then she said, "Oh my little minnow, we'll have even more road trips than that. No old age crap is going to wear us out. We're stuck with you whether ypu like it or not because trust me you'll be the one begging for us to stop. "

         My dad looked at me through the mirror and said "Princess, you know what I'll always say?  We have now and forever, so let's stop worrying and focus on the fun we are about to have".  My mom just laughed because my dad has always been the silly one.

           Speaking of fun we were on our way to Disney world. I was a bit bummed that I wouldn't be seeing spongebob but I guess mickey mouse will just have to do.

        I think I'm going to puke up the cotton candy and popcorn I just ate. Why if ypu may ask, well its because I'm on my he newest roller coaster the park has and trust me the turns give my stomach turns if you know what o mean. I made it then a life long decision to never eat before a ride.

End Of Flashback.

      As the memory of that time started to fade I couldn't help but smile through the tears. I finally wiped my eyes before I took in my surrounding and I found myself at the parking lot of Disney world. I guess its now a familiar route that I managed to find my way even in a haze.

       Since I was already here, why not relieve some past memories. I was on my way to the last roller coaster I rode with my parents before some certain things happened, when I saw a cotton candy stand next to a popcorn stand and I could only laugh. I decided that I could break that my life long decision of never eating before a ride.

         Buying a blue colored cotton candy which was a favorite of my family, I settled down on a bench beside the popcorn stand enjoying the  fresh air. I finished that up and bought a medium sized popcorn and started munching away. I bought a Dr. Pepper and downed it in only a matter of seconds. I was finally ready for that ride.

           Three minutes into the ride and I was already regretting doing whay I did. I then renewed my vow of never eating before a ride. By the end of the day, I went home tired, sick and a little relaxed. But you know the saying, never let your guard down. Yea, I think I put to much faith in the belief that everything was going to be okay. We learn in a not so easy way. Don't you think?.

          As I was stepping into the house, my house phone rang. Odd because no one hardly ever calls it. I picked it up, answering, the voice on the other line says, "Seems like always and forever ended so quickly and what's the lesson?  Forever is not real".

      I was so confused by the time the person hung up. But it was only seconds later when my own phone rang and that all reality crashing down.

         Forever doesn't last.

If you noticed then you must know am a moana fan. My little minnow. So what do you think happened any ideas. Tell me what you think happened in the comment box and leave your votes.
What did you think about another glimpse into her past.
I think am in love with this mystery guy that keeps causing problems. What do you think is his reason and back story. His POV comes up in the next chapter.
Let's find out in upcoming chapters shall we.
Love Tjex.💖💖

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