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Scar's POV
    I woke up early this morning and trust me when o mean early, I mean as early as three am in the morning.

      I knew then I wasn't getting any more sleep. So I decided to go do the one thing that could put me at ease.

      I decided to go play the piano and I knew just the song to play. It was my favorite song from " The Greatest Showman"; " A Million Dreams ".

       As I played, it was as if I felt my worries disappear and that the nightmare I just had was nothing but just a dream.

        Sometimes, I feel like I wasn't meant to be  born, like I was more of a mistake than an actual being. But the only thing that reminds me of actual love is the one showered on me by my parents.

        As I played, memories of the times I spent with the ones I love keep popping up. Like the time me and my parents went to a waterfall. I was so small I can't even remember its name.

        Or the time I met Cole for the first time. Weird meeting, trust me on that. We were in kindergarten about to go for lunch. Our teacher told me to hold some writing materials for her as she wanted to go to another class.

        I was told to follow her, then when we entered the other class, I kinda bumped into Cole and all the things scattered on the floor.

       He told me he could help in packing all the things up and guess what I did. I ran to my teacher crying and told her that as I put it "the big meanie wants to take all our stuff".

       I bet everyone thought I was crazy but you can't blame me. I was four. We still laughed about it up until he died.

        As tears started to fall, the memory of meeting Mitchy for the first time came to mind. I always knew that Mitchy and Cole had a thing for each other even at a young age.

       Cole was holding the last nutella sandwich in the cafeteria and Mitchy came up wanting to collect one and finding none there, guess what she did. She beat up Cole. Guess she had never been a crying type of person.

          From that day on, Cole always had googly eyes anytime he saw Mitchy. But the painful part was he never got to tell her how he feels.

           As I reached the end of the song, I saw that my whole shirt was soaked with tears. Mine to be exact. I had cried through out.

          As I was leaving the music room, I heard a crash. I ran to the direction I heard it from. I saw a stone on the floor with a paper attached to it.

        I looked around for any sign but nothing. I'll have to call someone to fix the glass tomorrow.

         I opened the note slowly and carefully. Because tou never know, it could blow up.

         The note said
"Oh mi amore, I hope you didn't miss me too much. I'm not gone. I'm just waiting for you to heal then I'll strike. I bet it doesn't hurt right. My condolences for the lost souls that I killed. It was fun. Now I have gotten rid of them I wonder who's next".
                        Yours always, CAGE.

Well my lovelies I give you chapter 13. Hope you enjoyed memory lane. Cos I did. I always remain, your favorite girlfriend.

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