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Mystery Person POV

I didn't really plan on killing her uncle but I have to kill everyone she ever loved.

I don't plan on killing Mitchy because why should I. She's like a sister to me. She's literally the only family I have.

I was so happy when she said that she would be part of my revenge plan. Her support really means the world to me.

To be sincere, I've always liked Scar but the thirst for revenge was greater than the love I knew would have turned into something beautiful.

Love.....what do I know about love. The only thing closest to love that I've ever felt was what I get from Mitch.

Enough pity party...I have people to torture so that my newest puppet will do his job rightly.

Time for the next phase in my plan.......it's high time our angel goes missing don't you think.

Scar's POV

Everything seemed like nothing but a blurry movie. I watched the paramedics carry out my uncle's dead body out on a stretcher.

By the time they had all left, it was a little past midnight. I sat in the living room just staring at the blank television when Luke came in with a cup of hot chocolate with extra milk,sugar and marshmallows floating in it.

I took it from him gratefully. I was taking it sip by sip when I felt eyes looking at me.

I looked up to find Luke staring intensively at me. Then he said, "I need to tell you something, it's related to what has been going on".

As soon as those words left his mouth, the whole house went dark. Then the last thing I remembered was someone telling me in my ear,"it won't hurt a bit".

Then, I blacked out.

Do you think its Luke that kidnapped her.
What if he's dead and has no idea what's going on.
Where's Mitchy during all this.
We will be hearing from her soon.
I kinda hate her now.
We'll share your thoughts and opinions.
Love Tjex🙃🙃.

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