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Hi there am sorry for the late update. Am gonna do my best and update every week. So with no further ado I give you chapter 3.

           You can only imagine what I did at that point when I saw those three words. I just sat down on the couch and wrapped myself in a ball and cried my eyes out.
            I couldn't go to bed that night. I was awake all night because if I did sleep I know what was waiting for me at the other side and trust me it ain't pretty.
           I was still on the couch when my phone rang, it was Mitchy. "Hey girl, you up yet?"
   "Good question but I think the question that should have been asked is did you sleep", I said an attempted to laugh.
       She replied immediately knowing that something was up, "babu,  what's wrong? ". I smiled at the use of the nickname that Cole, Mitchy and I have for each other when we know something's wrong. But at the thought of Cole I couldn't help but cry all over again. I could still hear Mitchy's voice over the phone yelling my name asking me what's wrong but I couldn't talk. I just kept on crying.

          It was 10 minutes later I heard pounding fists on my door, I smiled a bit knowing that she has once again forgotten her key at home. Yeah, I kinda gave them both a key to my house just in case.
           I walked like the zombie I knew I was to the door and flung it open, just to have Mitchy yell at me, "Scarlett Alexandra Naomi White, what the he-", she stopped and after taking a look at my appearance, she gathered me in her arms, soothing me, calming me, whispering words that would have calmed me but it only made the tears flow the more.

          It wasn't until 30 minutes later and I had calmed down, showered, eaten, was I actually feeling better. Mitchy was about to say something when her phone rang, holding up a finger to me she picked the call. "Hello, Mrs Grey, what....... How....... When...... Yeah she's here with me. Okay we'll be there soon......  Thanks. We will".

          "Why did she call ", I asked her while stirring my coffee but it wasn't until I looked up at her did I notice her tear stricken face and panicked look. Instant worry and dread filled me. I felt my stomach drop.

          She looked up, "Cole's in the hospital and it looks like he might be needing surgery soon. His mom said he lost a lot of blood and might also need a transfusion. " I felt numb and I knew by the look Mitchy was giving me that I looked pale. "Scar, we have to go".
        "Okay,  let's go ", was all I said.
        When we got to the hospital that is after breaking every rule concerning speed limits, we headed straight for the reception where we asked for Cole Charles Grey. We were  told he was still in surgery but we we're free to wait on the floor of his operation with his mother. We agreed and we were  directed to the third floor, east wing.
         There was a sitting area where we saw Cole's mom. She sighted and ran to us embracing us both in a familiar hug and we all cried into each other. When we had calmed down,  she told us what had happened. It  tuns out that on his way home, he was attacked by "someone "who shot him into the chest and stabbed his leg.
           As she finished talking, the doctor came out from the operation room. We all ran to him. He told us that Cole is fine that the bullet didn't hit any organ which was very lucky for him and that he was able to transfuse more blood to him due to the plenty blood loss. He's in an ICU as of now and should be waking up  anytime soon.

          "Can we stay in the room until he wakes up? "I asked.
          "You can but no commotion in the room as that could startle him".

         We've been sitting in the room for two days,  we would use the bathroom in the hospital room to freshen up.Sometimes I'd hear sniffles coming from either one of us but then we heard a voice that sounded like it had been scratched or more like a  broken record and I knew it didn't belong to any of us. All of us whipped our heads in the direction of the sound and we heard the voice again, "Mom".
        He's awake.

Finally, I didn't like seeing my Coleyyyyyyy so pale and down. Am so happy he's awake. We all know who that "someone" is hence the quotation marks.
Thoughts, opinions, questions, am willing to answer.
Love Tjex. 😘😘

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