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         I did the only thing I could do at that point in time, I stared at the paper in total shock that I forgot where I was and letting those silent tears fall on my cheek.
          I didn't know what was going on. I couldn't feel a thing. I just felt... numb. I didn't realize what was happening until I felt myself being dropped unto something soft  and being flanked on  either side by my two best friends. I felt myself slipping into a sleep filled with nightmares but I was to exhausted to stay awake.
        ......... I kept running and running because I was scared to even stop. I could feel HIM like he was right behind me but I looked back for only a second but I saw nothing. I knew I had to keep going unless he would get me. Just when I thought I had escaped HIM, he jumped in front of me making me slip and fall backwards.
I wanted to  scream for help knowing that people were close-by but nothing came out that's when I realized I was spitting out blood. He was about to show me who HE was before I died but as usual I woke up at that point.....
            The nightmares were the same everyday and  worse when am sick. When I finally opened my eyes it took me a while before the familiar curtain and breathtaking view of the ocean came into sight made me realize where I was. Ismiled knowing that my best friends had taken care of me.
               I hopped out of my bed and it was then I also noticed Mitchy was on the bed also. I smiled and sauntered into the bathroom to run myself a hot bath whilst throwing the almighty scented bubble maker into the bath.
              After my bath, dressed up in sweats and flip flops, I walked downstairs and straight towards the kitchen where I could smell something good cooking. I was so right because as I entered the kitchen I saw Cole making breakfast which from where I was standing consisted of bacon, eggs, toast and ice cream. I smiled thinking how he knows me so well.
              I sneak up behind him and jump on his back whilst screaming, "Coleyyyyyy, good morning ". He dropped the raw egg in his hand and it cracked in the pan due to the shock. He shook his head and giving me an amused smile, "good morning to you too, Scar and p.s the egg in the pan is yours". I could only smile knowing that he will just end up trashing it.
          I grabbed a spoon and sat on one of the many stools in the kitchen at the same time picking up the bowl of ice cream and started helping myself to some. The next thing we heard was an ear piercing scream that I later realized that it came from me, taking me a few minutes to clam down. I saw Cole laughing his eyes out." I just had a brain freeze and you have the balls to laugh". He only looked at me for a bit before resuming his laughter.  I stood up marched angrily to him and slapped him on the back of his head, "I could have died you know".
           Deciding to reply me with a snarky comment, "but you didn't" sending a wink my way. Knowing what I was about to do, he jumped on me and we both ended up on the ground with him sprawled on top me and his hand clamped down on my mouth. I bit into his skin hard with my teeth making sure to tear off even just a little flesh. He let go of my mouth and then I  shouted " Mitchy, Cole's being mean". The footsteps I heard only seconds later coming down the stairs was enough to make Cole grow pale and running into one of the nearest rooms and locking it.
I couldn't hold the laugh that was waiting to burst out. Mitchy only looked between me and the closed door and shook her head, "y'all should learn a little something called maturity or maybe easier put grow up".
     "Now you're being a meany", I told her whilst pouting . Now it was her turn to laugh. Next thing I know we were both laughing our asses off like hyenas.
        We only calmed down when we heard the doorbell ring"I'll get it while you get started on breakfast, am still nursing my brain freeze", I said and I thought what I heard wasn't what I heard until she confirmed it by snickering even louder.
           When I walked to the door and on opening it I didn't see anybody but I did see a package on the floor. I looked around for the person who might have kept it but didn't see anybody. I picked up the package and carried it inside , whilst shutting the door but what she didn't notice was a guy in a black cloak who was looking at her and smiling in an all too creepy way.
            When I got to the kitchen, I saw that Cole had decided to grace us with his presence. Mitchy asked who was at the door, and when I said nobody she was as surprised as I was, "but I did see a package, I'll open it up later", she nodded.
              That's how we spent our morning, eating breakfast and cooling  it down with ice cream. We decided to swim in the pool owned by yours truly, no  shock there right? We talked a lot about the important and the most random things we could imagine and I  wonder how we still do this even after so many years. Soon,  the package that was delivered was long forgotten.
              It wasn't until the rest of the gang had left and she had showered did she see remember the  package. When she opened it, what she saw would hunt her because she knew it would happen soon.
               In the package was an all too familiar toy but more likely to be called a doll that she knew was treasured by only one boy that she knew. A toy that he had won at a carnival that they all went to when they we're younger, she had her own doll and so did Mitchy, that means....... In the heart of the doll was a small dagger that had been perfectly punctured through the doll. It was then she noticed the letter that was also in the package. Picking it up just to let it  fall agian and looking at the three words that were boldly written there. Three words was all it took for her to lose composure and start crying. It was all her fault and this is how she is going to pay for it.
        Three words was all it took, just three words.
          " Guess who's first ? "

Hiya lovelies, I give you chapter two. Dun dun dun..... Cue in evil laugh
Don't mind me am not evil neither am I sadistic.
Am an angel if you ask me.
Well let's see what happens next in out little Scar's life.
Tjex loves you. And if you love me back just slick that little star at the bottom of the screen and leave your comments. 😘😘😘😘


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