Untitled Part 26

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Sorry, this is taking a while to upload. I am single and do not live laugh love. I am working on improving myself because that relationship has screwed me over big time. This is the first time I have taken my laptop out in a while I am just trying to keep myself occupied to the best of my ability. someday I will finish this story I promise you that.

Chris POV

Once we get on the horse we head out towards the forest. I grab the map and figure out how to get to the path. Thank God most of it is forest. We live in a pretty green area with many trees. It is nighttime so we don't have to worry as much. We are not in much of a rush either, so we are going to take our time in getting there. I wrap my arms around Ricky and hold him tight. This is like a dream come true. I have found the love of my life, my soulmate. I place my head in the crook of his neck. I can smell everything on him. The smell of his blood is nice, thick, and sweet. 

"You can take a drink if you need to babe" Ahh shit he is probably listening to me.

"Are you sure?" He moves his hair to the side and says yes. I align my teeth with his neck and inject them into his soft skin. I feel him shiver in my grasp. He tastes so nice. I don't want to take too much because it can affect him. Once I am done, I lick his wound and he moans in delight. He shimmies around and I lean down so he can drink as well. I can feel his fangs pierce through my skin. I also let out a slight moan and I can hear him think. 'God he is so cute when he makes a sound for me. I chuckle in response. Once he is done, he pulls away I can still feel blood trickling down my neck, and you can see his too. They will heal and it will go away soon. I kiss him passionately. 

"I love you Ricky" I look at him and I continue to hug him from behind. 

"I love you too Chris. Thank you for taking me to find my dad." we continue to ride on a dark path for a while. No one in sight except a few wild Ife here and there. We are roughly an hour away from onyxton. The next town we pass by is called Langdon. Yet we are still roughly two hours away from it. I think Ricky has fallen asleep on me which is okay. He needs his rest anytime. I love watching him sleep peacefully. I sometimes try to listen to what his mind is thinking but I cannot get into it. Once again something is blocking it. I have never heard of someone being able to block out their soulmate. I thought it was impossible since they are tied together. 

I lead the horse over rivers and threw the forest carefully trying to not make the ride too bumpy so Ricky can sleep.

Rickys Pov

I think I fell asleep. I can't seem to wake up or pull myself out of it. Everything is dark but I see a light above my head. I can feel that I am sitting in a chair but I can't move. It feels like I am tied up. The place lights up more and I notice a table with 6 chairs around it. But only five are present. I can make out ghost parents sitting at the table. I see three more people at the table as well. 

Ghost mom is the first one to speak. "So, is there any reason why Manson has just disappeared?" The rest of them have a weird look on their face. I can read their minds. The one with long hair is thinking. "They can never know. We can't tell them. We are safe I have spoken to the others" What is this? What can they never know? What did they not tell ghosts parents?

"Did he say or give a reason why he left? we never knew much about him besides council work" Ghost dad seems more persistent on this. 

"We don't know we have no trace of him" He isn't being truthful I can feel it.

"Are we set to fill the next position? we have been dropping members over the decades there are only 5 of us left. Us two you and Sherri and Twiggy."

The long hair man says" not as of right now. It takes many, many years to elect a council member." He claps his hand, and someone walks in and takes the sixth chair. 

"Thank you all for joining you are dismissed" 

Thank you, Mr. zombie, "Ghost's parents shake their hands are leave the room immediately. 

"Now that those two are gone we need to keep this a secret. They can never know what happened to Manson and Charolotte" What are they talking about?

The one named Twiggy stands up. "His son is still alive the poison didn't get to him in time before she gave birth to him. It only killed her. It is forbidden to have human-vampire hybrids."

"We will need to keep a close eye on him at all times. He is very powerful and the same as his soulmate Chris. After his parents died everything has gone downhill for the council and Manson got a human pregnant"

Did they kill my mom on purpose? Omg I think I am next, aren't I?

"If this gets out to the other two, I will have your head hung up on my wall. Am I clear" They both look and nod at him? The room goes black again. I am brought to another room. The hospital room I was born in. I am free to stand up and I walk over to my mom. 

"Mom wakes up they are going to do something" I know it's no use, but I felt like I had to try. I grab her hand and it's limp, but she is still breathing. Out of the corner of my eye, I see a man appear. He has put a sleeping force over my mom. In the other corner of the room, the man Twiggy and the women Sherri appear. 

"Do it rob inject her and get it over with" I try to stop him, but I go right through him. He grabs her arms and injects her full purple fluid. 

"Within the next hour, it will kill her and her god for sake child." He puts his hand on her stomach. 

"I think it's working. Let's go before someone sees" He claps his hands, and they disappear again. Her stats start dropping and she wakes up screaming. The doctors run in getting ready to deliver me. 

It didn't work. They tried to poison me but only killed her. The whole scenario plays over in my head again. And again. 

They murdered my mom, and they are coming for me next. Ghost parents were never told till Chris found me. The room is dark again and I hear my mom yell Chirs Ricky you guys need to run.

I wake up out of my sleep and scream. 

"Chris, we need to move and take shelter now!!" As soon as I say they I see a back of red and black wolves running at us. 

"Chris they are coming for me now too"

I hope this is good enough for now. enjoy

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