Why the hell and what the hell.

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       I am the last to hope in the carriage. I sit on the opposite side of my siblings. I can feel the driver start to take off as we head towards there castle. It's about a 45-minute ride. and we are not going fast. We have time. Soon or later we hit the halfway mark. It is my favorite bridge. It's small and I wish I could visit is someday but it could put me at risk. I peaked my head out the window. I have never really done it but it was beautiful. Once we went over it and we've passed it by a few feet I see a black-haired person poke there head from underneath the bridge. I couldn't tell if they were a boy or girl but they had a little over shoulder-length hair. With blue eyes, I believe. They were the most fine-looking person ever.
        I could stop thinking about them. Having an internal conflict between my self. What happened last time you had a human friend? Half of Your family died. You lost your friend. Your house and everything was taken away. Argh. There human I can smell it. It will never work. But god they are so beautiful. But no stop it, Chris. Get your self together! I can't do this.

          I tried my hardest to ignore that face. We were almost to Ghost house and I must not slip up in front of any of them. I am trying to decide do I inform Ghost of what I saw or leave it. He will judge me just watch! But he's my best friend. So enough I feel the carriage stop and the door swims open. I let my siblings get out first and then I'm last. When I get out I see the Ghost castle. I've seen it before but it's so beautiful. It would take me forever to explain how the layout is. Once we are out, we head up the long staircase. There is a pair of black metal doors. They are twice my size. 

     I ring the doorbell and wait a few moments. I hear the door unlock and open. I see Ghost and Prudence. 

"Good evening Chris," says Ghost. He comes and hugs me. 

"Good evening GHost" I get invest in Ghost being here and greeting my siblings and I hear a hum and a sigh. I look and see Ghost's sister a little upset that I haven't said hi. I clear my throat. "Hello, Prudence, lovely evening isn't it tonight?" I say. She smiles at me and replies 

"Hello Christopher, and why yes it is very lovely tonight" she replies. 

I don't mind her when she is nice but id prefers Ghost. 

"Where are Dregan and Echo," I ask Ghost. "Here follow me" He motions me to follow him and i do so. I leave the others and join walking next to Ghost. I wanted to tell him so badly about what I saw. But how would he react?

 "You seem off Chirs, What has been going on?"Ghost says looking at me. 

Oh shit, can he really tell when I'm in a bad mood or stressed? I don't like that. What do I tell him? He can tell when I'm lying.

"Well there has been stuff going on but its nothing, I'm just always stressed." Hopefully, he buys it. 

"Come on Chris, you can trust me, I'm not gonna judge. So don't lie" he puts his hand on my shoulder and i sign well fuck there is no way out of this. 

"Okay, fine I'll tell you but after supper, Because I don't want anyone else to know, I promise ill tell you so lets me in the catacombs after supper." I now have time to prepare my self. 

"fine then and I won't forget either but let's head to the dining hall. Supper is about to start" We walk to the dining hall and sit in our places. Dregan and Echo sit in the middle of the long rectangular table. The guest sits on one side and the kids on the other. Unless your Ghost, He sits where ever he wants to more of the time. 

     I sit next to Ghost across from his parents. Gretchen and Damien are sitting next to the younger kids. I'd thought for once Prudence wo0uold sit with her mother but NO! She had so graciously sat next to me. She does this whenever she wants. She never gets told no since she is a daddy's girl. 

   Once dinner is started they make a toast and thank us for joining them and begin casual conversations.  It is the normal hows life going, how are the kids, do we need help, have we had any conflict from other vampires. It's normal. It was going pretty well until Prudence started to rub my thigh with her hand. I tried to push it away but she would put it right back. Why does she think everyone wants her? I am she is pretty but please I don't wanna see with you!

Soon or later Dinner was over and now I had to face Ghost and tell him what wrong. I might tell him about my past. The only ones that know are his parents. My siblings only know that mom and dad died but not the other stuff. 

We are all dismissed and I see all the kids take off running. out of the corner of my eye, I see Gretchen and Kieri run off into another room. They better not try any funny business They are about the same age so they can be friends but nothing more. I'll have to check on the later. But now it was time to see ghost in the catacombs. 

I met him in the catacombs I found a room to talk to him in. This room had a big red velvet couch.  with black wood around the back of it. 

" Sit Ghost," I tell him, I feel scared to tell him anything. He sits and I pace the room. 

"I haven't been honest with you really" I start out. I pace a little bit faster and I feel as if I'm gonna burst into tears. I want to tell him what has happened in my life but I'm scared to tell him. I look at him and try to speak. He can tell this is hard for me. 

"It's okay, come sit my love" He pats his leg. This is his mother's side coming out of him. It makes me think he is half a girl most time. This is normal for him to be this way but this is new. I go to sit on his lap and i hug him. He wraps his arms around me and tries to comfort me the best he can. 

"I'm sorry I'm just nervous," I said trembling.

"It's okay we are in no rush," he says rubbing my back. 

"Okay well, I want to tell you about my past," I tell him. And he nods 

I told him everything from beginning to end. About me and Legacy. The night that mom and dad died to the person I saw at the bridge. I told him about my feelings and how I have felt for a while. 

" Thank you, Chris, for telling me and trusting me with your history, I won't ever judge you for who you are, we are best friend and it will stay that way. Don't worry" He tells me in a reassuring voice. I hug him for a few minutes just taking at the moment and calming down. I'm glad I have him in my life. 

"it's getting late, let's go round up my siblings," I say standing up and grabbing him by the hand. We walk back upstairs to the main room and i find Damien and Nico playing. They are running back and forth in the room. 

"Damien go tell everyone goodbye we are gonna head out, also where is your sisters"

"okay, and she headed upstairs into Kieri room. They were being weird" He told me as he ran off to say goodbye to the others, I have feeling in my heart this won't end well. I motion Ghost to follow me upstairs into Kieri's room. I approach the room and i don't like what I am hearing. I look at ghost and back at the door. I start to panic. I think they're having sex. I look at Ghost, not talking just moving lips. I can hear the thumping start to get louder and I am starting to get a little enraged. I'm moving in a mouth to Ghost, but by god was it a bad idea. 

  At least they had a blanket on. "what the hell are you guys doing, Get the hell out of my sister" I yell at them. Maybe a bit too loud. They panic and stop what there doing covering themselves. 

"I told you, you are too young for this now get dresses we are leaving!" I tell her walking out. 

I walk down the stairs to see Dregan and Echo at the bottom. I inform them of what happened and apologize to them for yelling. I can tell there a little irritation too. Soon enough Gretchen runs out to the carriage not saying a word on the way out. Damien is already out there so I say my fair wells and hug Ghost goodbye. Prudence made me give her a huge and grabbed m,e threw my pants, then whispered i know you like it. But I don't. I then head out the door and god it was a hell of a night

Fuck this is 1,620 words love fuckkkk 

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