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Hello people! I have been trying to update but its failing. School has started for me. I feel like I'm living in a loop every day. Wake up, go to school, living and breathe, come home, and do homework if I need to, eat then go to bed. It feels none stop. 

Chris POV

      I wake up before Ricky does. I hardly sleep well anymore but shit this felt amazing. It is about 7 in the morning. I am usually awake at night but I fell asleep with Ricky. He is still wrapped in my arms. He looks so cute in his sleep. I want to know what happened to him last night. I couldn't read his mine cause he also had barriers up. I couldn't get past them at all. 

     I untangle my self from Ricky and get up. I head to my office to write Ghost a letter. We have a creative way of sending our letters. We use birds, we each have a bird of a few that are trained to do this. My bird's name is Stanley. He is a large black crow. He is one of my babies. I have raised him since he was an egg. I write a letter containing the situation. I put it in his mouth and open the cage. 

"Stanley, deliver the message to Ghost please". I open the window and he croaks at me and flies out. I might invest in getting another crow. Stanley is older and he only goes to so many places. I'll look into it. 

  I go and check on my siblings. I walk to Damien's room and find him sprawled passed out on the floor. I chuckle looking at him. I decide to pick him up and lay him in bed. He's a hard sleeper so I don't have to worry about waking him. I pick up some of his toys so it looks like less of a mess. 

     I walk over to Gretchen's room. I worry that she is awake so I am knocking before I enter. I knock twice then hear here tell me to come in. 

"Hey Gretchen" I start out with. 

"Hello Chris, do you need anything?" I wanna tell her about the past but she will hate me, I think I'll wait. 

"Umm no, I'm just checking up on you, seeing how it's going" I sigh. 

"Okay, it's going good, how about you or your friend?" She asks with a little attitude. 

"I am fine, Ricky is sleeping. Also, Ricky is gonna be here a lot more." I hope she doesn't get pissed at me. 

"What why!!" Ugh, I hate fighting. 

"There is the stuff that we need to discuss but not now. We are going to take a trip to Ghost's house later with Ricky. You can see Kieri if you behave well today." Once I said that she hopped up from her bed with a smile on her face. 

"I will start to do my chores!" She said and ran out of her room. Fuck I just hope she behaves later.

   I head to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast. I decide to make chocolate chip pancakes. As I do so I can hear Gretchen cleaning her life away. I am just glad she is listening to me. I make pancakes for everyone, Damien is still sleeping so I'll set them off to the side for a while. I get a tray and put a plate of pancakes and syrup with some fruits on it with a glass of milk for Ricky.  

      I open my door and turn on my bedside lamp. Ricky is hugging my pillow which I replaced when I left. I set the tray aside and start to tap Ricky. He sirs in his sleep, I can hear him mumbling words. "Mmhhh Chris harder" I hear him say. I start to blush. Is he dreaming about me? I try to eavesdrop what he is dreaming about but it is blocked. 

    I keep nudging him, he eventually starts to wake up. I wonder if he was having a wet dream about me? I blush at the thought of that. I would love to help him out but I think its too soon. 

"Hey sleeping beauty, I made breakfast," I tell him whispering in his ear.  I can feel him shiver and groan a little. I am very curious about what he is thinking right now. 

'Fucking hell, that was hot. Ugh, I have a hard-on now. Chris said he made breakfast, It was so sexy to hear him.' Fuck him thinking about that is making me hard as well. He sits up and it uncomfortable. I can tell he is trying to hide his hard-on.  I scoot closer to him and start whispering in his ear, 

"I am I that hot, Ricky," I tell him and I can feel him shiver again. 

"Yes you are, let me guess you were reading my mind again.?" He quietly asks me. 

"Yes I was, I'm glad you think I'm sexy. I can tell you have a hard-on." He tenses up. 

"You are sexy but I can tell you have one as well," He tells me with a smirk. I can't have sex with him yet, If I am not careful I will hurt him. Our birthdays are tomorrow. We will be at our strongest peak soon, but he is so irresistible. I chuckle at his response. 

"Yes I do"

"I am strong and horny, you will not hurt me, I may have just met you but I can't control my self." He laughs at his response.

I start sucking on his neck, I wanna taste his blood but if we both to it to each other we can determine if we are soul mates but I don't know if he is willing to. I keep sucking on his knee and I can hear him moaning. 

"Hold on, I am gonna lock the doors really quick" I get up and lock the doors, I am glad my room is soundproof. I jog back over to Ricky and crash on to him on the bed crashing my lips on him. He immediately starts kissing me back. I tug on his shirt and rip it off. As he does the same to mine. We pull away and I run my fingers down his chest and stomach. I trace my finger around his nipples, I can feel the pleasure coming from him. 

"Chris, I need you" I hear him beg to be. That is so much of a turn on. 

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