Untitled Part 18

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Chris pov 

After Ricky ended up leaving I went back to bed. Shit first time having sex does make you tired. Ricky didn't even eat the food, so I ate it instead. I fell asleep for a while until I got the urge to wake up. I could tell something was wrong. I had a feel that this was related to Ricky. I hope nothing bad happened. I woke up and started pacing around my room. I just had a feeling that something happened.

'Chris are you there' I hear Ricky speak in my head. 

'Yes Ricky, what happened' I ask, Oh fuck something is wrong. 

'I am hurt, meet me outside in a few' He says with pain in his voice. My baby is hurt. 

'How are you getting here' I ask,

"Quinn is bringing me, I will explain when i am home' That is all I hear. 

I grab my jacket to protect me from the sun and run outside as quickly a possible. I run outside to see a large wolf carrying Ricky who was holding bags. I run to them as fast as I could. Ricky slide off the animal and says my name. 

"Hey Chris"He says out weakly as I run to his side.

"Ricky baby, what happened?" I ask in a panic. 

"Its a long story, please take me inside" He motions for me to pick him up and I do. I carry him bridal style to the house. Once i picked him up and looked back the wolf was gone. 

"Ricky, um who was that?' I ask.

"I have been going to the bridge for a while and i started seeing this wolf. I named him Quinn. Vinny helped me get to the edge of the forest, which I made it to the bridge where he helped me get home"He tells me wincing in pain a few times.

"Well I am glad he did" I tell him as I am walking into the bathroom. 

"Please tell me what happened" I ask as i sit him on the bathroom counter. 

"Well I went home and I first told my sister Rachel about me meeting you and she has known I have liked boy for a while. But i told her everything and she even saw the bruises you left me" He says laughing. 

I start to help him undress a little to see what all happened. 

"Then next I wanted to tell my parents about me and I told them I was gay. My dad, he he hit me" He says starting to cry again. I hug him and he cries into my arms.

"Where at?" I ask and he reveals his face more clearly to me. I see bright red mark on his face. 

"He hit me twice, told me I was not gay. That I was raised by the bible. I ran up the stairs but I had also packed my bags before hand in case this happened. Well I was trapped in my room and jumped out the window. I also landed on my wrist" He tells me and points at his foot. I grab his shoe and carefully take it off as well as his sock.

"Fuck it hurts" He hisses through his teeth.

"Shit, I definite think it broken how hard did you hit the ground?" I ask.

"Well lets say I live on the second story of my house" He tells me. 

"Ah fuck. Yea it is broken. If your vampire powers kick in you will heal soon. Let me see your wrist" I ask and he shows it to me. Beside the marks I left there are deeper and more colorful. 

"Your wrist is also broken as well. I will help you until you are better. I will start a bath for you to take but lets see if you have any other injuries." I start to take of his shirt to revel the upper half of his body. He tries to move his shoulder but grunts in pain in the process.  I look at his should to reveal bruises on it from the fall. 

"The damage isn't that bad. You should heal fast." I walk around him and notice how hard I was on him this morning. There are hickeys, scratches and bruises all over him. 

"Shit baby I did a number on you. Do you feel okay? Did I do good at least?" I ask making it jokingly. Which he laugh sin response. 

"I am sore, my neck hurts from where you bit me but I am just sore. Yes you did fantastic. I think it was good for being my first" I forgot he mentioned it was his first. 

"Yes but remember I also said it was mine as well" I tell him helping him get his pants off. 

"I don't understand tho, you are very hot like how could anyone resist you?" I smirk at the response  of that. I walk closer and put his arms around my neck. I pick him up and hold him by placing my hands under his ass to support him. 

"Why thank you prince charming" I say as I walk towards the bathtub. I then decide to press my lips to him. And instantly I start to feel a connection. He starts running his hands threw my hair and he tugs on it and I moan in response. I pull away for a few seconds and touch foreheads with Ricky looking into each others eyes.

"Fuck that was hot" He says out loud. 

"Shit yes it was but here you need to take bath" I tell him. Setting him on the edge of the tub. 

"Can you join me?' he ask smirking. I take off my shirt in the process saying. 

"Damn don't have to ask me twice"  He starts to take off his underwear as I am taking of my pants. 

"here i'm gonna hop in first so i can grab you and slide you in so you don't hurt your self." I slide off my underwear and hope into the very warm bathtub. Once I am in the tub I pull Ricky in with me and put him between my legs. 

"So Ricky wanna tell me about your dreams from last night?" I ask wrapping my arms around him placing my head in the crook of his neck. 

"Its long but lets say my dad is a vampire. At first I was hearing my dad telling my mother they couldn't keep a child because she was a human. I was destine to kill her at birth if the council he talked about didn't." I can tell he is sad from him mother dying. I hug him and pull him closer. 

"Its okay take your time" I whisper in his year. He breathes in and out then continues.

"My mom choose to have me despite her dying. She said my dads name was Marilyn. He then said I will met my soul mate around the age of me being 18 which is tomorrow, same as yours. but they couldn't raise me for both of them would be killed." He pauses for a moment the continues. 

"My mother asked if my father was gonna try and be in the room when I was born and he said he did want to cause he couldn't handle seeing me yet knowing he couldn't raise me but would come in after I was taken out. I could tell my parents loved each other very much. My father came to visit my mother before her passing. I found out her name is Charlotte. She described how I looked to him before she pasted. Chris I am basically the reason why my mom died." He looks at me with tears in his eyes. 

I grab a wash cloth and get it wet and start wiping his face. "Your mother loved you dearly. She sacrificed her self for you to live. Trust me she is with you in spirit, I can feel it." He smiles and nods at me. 

"I can tell she is, after she passed my dad sneaked into the room they were holding me in. He then figured out my name was Ricky. He told me there was a birth mark to leave on me to help me find him. His last words to me were 'mommy and daddy will always love you,always' Which was the last time i hear from him" He ends his story with a sigh as I keep washing our bodies with soap. 

"Once the bath is over I we can try and find it. I am gonna get you pain meds for now cause we are gonna visit my friend Ghost later. If i am correct something will happen to determine if we are soul mates. Also I am not allowing you to go back to your house so you are moving in with me permanently." I tell him as i climb out of the tub. 

"Okay I am fine with that." I pick him up out of the tub and wrap him in a towel which i do the same to me as I walk us to my bed. I put him on my bed and give him his bags which he picks out cloths from and gets dressed. He tries to do it the best he can which he is getting it but I had to help him a little. I get my self dressed and grab some pain meds and water from the kitchen to give to Ricky. 

"Here take these" I give him some pills and water in his hand, he drinks in and set the water aside and sprawls out on the bed

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