reading minds

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Rickys pov

I have so many questions running through my head. I kinda made Chris stay here and sleep with me. I have no problem with it at all. I am sitting between his legs and my face is against his stomach. I can feel our heartbeats at the same time. Which is weird, I thought vampires don't have hearts. It is very calming for my body but my mind is racing. I actually have parents. My father I think is still alive.  What will my adoptive parents think? I am not fully human. I don't know if they will accept me. 

No one has ever spoken to me about vampires really. I should tell them and find my father. And my soul mate?, I guess. If he said I will find my soul mate by the age of 18 could it be Chris? We just met and I turn 18 in what a day now? It could be possible. I wanna ask him questions about what will happen now since I have "powers". I wonder if I can go into Chris's mind again. I focus hard then i finaly here his voice. 

'This feels so nice to have some human contact. why dose Ricky remind me of legacy so much. I feel like he was reincarnated into him. I am scared to get close. I don't want humans to retaliate against me, not again." I wonder by what he means again?

'As ricky is laying on me i can feel our hearts beating at the same pace. Yes vampires have a heart, they are cold and dead till you find your soulmate. That makes me wonder? Is Ricky my soulmate? My birthday is in a day. which means I will have met my soulmate by my 1,000 birthday.' His birthday is october 31st too? 

'Your birthday is october 31st too?' i respond back to him he tenses up a little. 

'Ricky how long have you been listening?' He tells me. its so weird that we are communicating in our brain waves . The room is silent. 

'Uhh a few minutes now i guess?' I hope he wont get made.

'No i am not mad, startled a little cause i forgot you could do this. Yes my birthday is the 31st is that when yours is?' We are just casually talking between each other as he still rubs my back.

"Thats good you are not mad, I was curious of what you were thinking. Yes mine is the 31st.' I felt him tense up again. I started to rub his back the best I could too since we were at an awkward angle. 

'Why did you tense up?' I ask

'There are some things I need to research tomorrow. what else did you hear from me?' I wonder what he has to research.

"Um well, i heard a few other things about me and a person." I am curious on who legacy is.

"Ah shit, This will be a talk we need to have in real life instead of our heads." He tells me and i nod into his stomach.

"Chris do you think I should tell my parents about this? I am obviously not full human. And I learned some things. I think they will disown me.' I sigh outloud. I feel chris adjust and lay his his hand on my head. 

'I think you should. I don't know how well they will take it but you can come live with me. You can come to me anytime you need me. In the morning i think ou should go tell them and then report back to me. later at night, or come anytime you want. Depend on when you tell them. I have to run to a friends house tomorrow and I might bring him here to meet you. He has more knowledge than i do and he might be able to help us. If that's fine' He ask me in a nice calming way. 

'Thank you Chris for being nice to me. I will try and tell them tomorrow and I will be scared but I don't care really. As long as he won't hurt me.' I am more than scared i hate meeting other humans, well he isnt a human but i am scard still of contact. 

'No he won't hurt you, he is different and has different sides of him. He has a mother side to him that is so sweet and nice. His name is Ghost but hes a vampire'

'Thats kinda funny. but it sounds intersting, I am looking forward to meeting him.' I am kinda more relaxed, I trust Chris.

'That is good by why don't you try and get some sleep? We can move different so we are both comfortable.' I look up at him and nod. He slides down thee bed more and lays on his side. I lay on my side metting face to face. I put my face into his chest and he wraps his arms around me and we both relax. 

"Chris?" I say outloud. 

"Yes my love?"Awe he called me love.

"Could you sing or hum me a song?" I hope he is willing to. His humming calms me down.

"Yes I can," that's good he can. 

'The best things in life,come with a price, the star that burned so bright faded the fastest, your alway feel it right even when we end the fight, welcome home, home tonight. singing oh oh oh welocme home to night, oh oh oh tonight, words they don't know how to make amends all they do it push you to the edge but its not wasted its all done for you.its all done for you, its all done for you"

"That was beautiful"I say to him. 

"Thank you" Is the last word i heard from him for the night.

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