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Rickys pov

I wake up at about 2 in the afternoon. Thank you for your bad sleeping habits. I just couldn't go to sleep thinking of him. I added more details to the drawing I did of this person. I decided to keep it n m book instead of hanging it up with the rest of me drawings, I don't want anyone in my house to see it. 

I am adopted. I have adopted siblings too. There is a total of six of us. I am the second oldest. Rachel is the oldest she is 20. Then it's me and I turn 18 on October 31. Next in line is Simon which is 16, then its Davis which is 12, claire who is 7 and Thomas which is 3. We are all adopted into this family but occasionally we get drop-in for kids that need to stay here for a few days. 

I was never wanted since I was a teenager, parents took me in and then returned me back to the orphanage which happened from the agest of 8-15. I then got adopted by my lovely family who hasn't brought me back. I am thankful for that and plus I turn 18 in a few days so ill be able to live on my own hopefully. My parent's names are Ryan and Jenifer, I love them with my whole heart. 

My sister Rachel is so nosey, hence why am I am keeping this picture hidden from the world. She is constantly trying to see if I like anyone. She thought for the longest time I was hooking up with Vinny. I know she just wants me to find some nice person. which I feel will never happen. But speaking of loving people I hope I see that person from last night again. I have a feeling they are some creature but I've always wanted to met one!

I am gonna go back to the rock later tonight. I know I won't see them but I might see Quinn to hopefully. For now, I decided to do my chores around the house to pass some time.

Chris pov

I am doing almost anything to pass the time. I am very curious if I will see them there tonight. It is now 6 in the afternoon and the kids have finally decided to come out of there rooms.

"Okay, Damien and Gretchen today can be a lazy day. I have already done everyone's chores for today.   Damien, you are excused." I look at him and nod. He nods back and goes off to whatever his little kid brain wants to do. 

"Now you let go talk in my office" I point at her and walk to my office. I sit in my chair and motion her to take a seat. 

"Okay first thing we are gonna talk about is don't teach your brother to swear please," I tell her in a stern voice. 

"I didn't teach him shit! He likes to copy me!" she yells at me. 

"Okay then, stop cussing around him then he won't pick up on what you say. I don't want him to say something in front of Devins's families and embarrass me. I already felt bad for what happened last night."I kinda yell at her. I don't like yelling but she needs to understand.

"Fine! I will learn not to cuss around him anymore,l can I go now?" she yells at me. This isn't gonna end well. 

"No you may not go yet, we are not finished. I don't approve of you sleeping with any of Ghost's siblings. You are too young to do that with anyone. And if you are gonna sneak off and do it ever again make sure its on your time, not mine! I felt so embarrassed." I yelled back at her. I can get louder but I don't wanna. 

"That's unfair!" she yells at me and stands up. 

"life isn't fair at all Gretchen!"

"It isn't fair that you get to fuck Ghost every time you see him! I can't even do anything with Kerri. Nothing!"Okay, she has pressed my buttons. 

"Young lady, You do not speak like that to me! I am not having any sexual interaction with Ghost. I am your older brother I have never slept with anyone in my life if you want to be honest. And just for that, I am sending you to your room for now! You get no food till I say you can! ANd to make sure you don't leave I am putting locks and spells on our room so you can't leave and you can't get out since you don't have many powers anyway!!" I yell at her. God, I hate yelling.

"Fine Chris! be that way! I hate you!" She yells and us out of my office. I sigh and follow after her. I see her run upstairs to her room and she slams the door. I put a lock on her door so she can't get out right now. I put a spell on her room so she can't escape and if she does it will zap her. She needs to learn her lesson before messing with me. 

After I am finished with her I go find Damien. I walk into his room finding him playing with his toys.

"Hey, bud I am sorry if you hear any of that. she is in a bad mood today. But I locked her in her room for now" I tell him as I sit down with him.

"Its okay Chrissy, she was being very bad," He tells me and I kinda laughs. 

"Yes she was, but hey I have to head out tonight for a while okay?" I tell him, hopefully he won't ask why. 

"Okay, but why are you leaving" Ah shit there it is. 

"I uhh Am going to visit Ghost for some adult problems. I am leaving you a device that will signal me if anything happens when you press this button okay?" I show him the button and he nods. 

"Please behave and if Gretchen goes off the walls press the button. Thank you but I will see you later" I say walking out of his room. By the time all of this ordeal was done it was 7:28. I am gonna start making my way to the bridge. It is still a little sunny outside but there are many trees. I think ill be fine and won't get burned. 

I head out the front door and make my way to the bridge. My heart has a racing feel for once in my lifetime. 

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