Untitled Part 20

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Rickys pov

I to see a light in the distance and before you know it Chris was pulling me off the horse. 

"Hop on my back again," He tells me as I try my best to get on him but we do well. We walk towards a door and it leads up upstairs. We are then greeted with the outside right next to another castle. I never knew there were two castles this close to town. We walk up a large flight of stairs to big doors. 

Chris then knocks on the doors. To be greeted by a young-looking male. He has semi-long dreads in his hair. He was wearing make-up and if Chris didn't tell me otherwise I would think he is a girl.

"Hey guys come in" He tells us. We start walking in and it is really beautiful. It feels more alive than Chris's castle. I can hear chatter of a group of kids and I assume he has siblings. 

"Damien go play behave, Gretchen I am trusting you please behave" Before he finished Damien was off but Gretchen responded in a nod and smile. 

"So Ghost this is Ricky my soulmate" Chris say and Ghost's mouth hangs wide open. 

"OMG Really?" Ghost says as he quickly comes over to us and tries to grabs me off of Chris.

"Becarful, he is injured. Don't let him walk." Chris says. Ghost grabs me and holds me bride style. 

"I am fine Chris, I can walk" I untangle my self from Ghost and hop down and try to walk away. I ended up not being able to put pressure on my leg yet and fall directly towards the ground. 

"Ricky, I told you not to walk on it yet" Chris says as he comes and picks me up. He dose it with no effort, he must be strong. 

"I am fine, trust me."I tell him as he holds me like a baby, but I don't mind it.

"Okay, so we are gonna go down stairs to my area for right now. I can tell Ricky is not full human and I don't want to freak anyone out, so lets go"He points and we follow. We eventually end up in a room full of books, set of couches, a desk with some more chairs. It looks very nice.

Chris gentally throws me on a soft black couch closest to the desk. Ghost sit on the desk as Chris sit beside me. 

"Are you guys for sure soulmates?" Ghost ask and I pull down the collar of my shirt to reveal a symbol on the top of my shoulder. It is swirly, but it hard to explain it. Chris dose the exact thing. 

"That symbol is for unconditional love. Which I find that really sweet" He says flipping threw a bookon the desk.Chris then slides an arm over my shoulder.

"Yes it is sweet" He says out loud. and i nod in response

"Okay Ricky explain your self to me" Ghost ask. 

"Okay, My name is Ricky olson, I am turning 18 in a few hours. I am adopted but got kicked out for being gay. Met Chris , found out I am part vampire. Had a dream about my real parents. My mom is dead and my dad is still alive. I want to find him." I blurt out as slowly as I but I fail badly.

"Yes we can try and find them but we are gonna try and learn more about you. My parents ae the keeper of history and I am gonna find a book about vampire hybrids." He stands up and waves his finger around and start to float. I am in amazement. He is just gliding over air to and around the book shelves.  I can here him whisper to him self the abcs and trying to find books. 

I hear him say 'ahah' and start picking out books and throwing them towards the desk which they all land perfectly. 

"Holy shit" I am shocked.

"I am guessing you haven't seen much vampire do power huh?" Ghost says gliding right past me.

"Nope not much but that was cool" I wanna experiment with my power more as well. 

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