Shit hits the fan.

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Rickys pov 

Did I just sleep with a vampire? Did I potentially get marked to see if we were soul mates, yes? He also kissed me. He said I look sexy in his clothes. I figured out I am a part vampire and I lost my virginity all in one day. Now I have to go home and explain to my foster parents everything. I have to secretly enter town so I don't come off as suspicious. Should I also tell them I am gay? They are old school, the only one who knows is Rachel. she would be more accepting of everything. I decide after this I am gonna stop by Vinny. I see my house so I start to jog to it.

"Hey mom" I walk in and see her sitting in the kitchen. 

"How was it is at Vinny's?" She loves to ask questions. 

"It was fun, the usual. We played video games, Ate junk food, I was drawing to. We were just plainly messing around." Hopefully, she buys it. 

"That good you had fun honey." I smile at her and nod. 

"Hey mom where is dad? I need to talk to both of you guys."

"He ran to the store to get some items for the birthday boy tomorrow," She says excitedly and walks over and hugs me. 

"Okay, when he gets home come get me," I tell her as I run up the stairs, I don't even both of what she says to say. I walk to Rachels's room and knock on the door and walk-in. She normally knows it me. 

"Hey, Ricky what's up?" I look at her and shut the door and sit on her bed. 

"Well you know I'm gay right?" I am so scared to tell anyone. 

"Yes I do, I am the only one in this house that knows why? she looks at me in a concerned look.

"Well, I have the stuff to say but don't freak out" I look to the side cause I am worried what she will say. 

"Its okay, just tell me" I breathe in and out. 

"For starters do you believe in vampires?" A smile comes across her face. 

"Yes I do, I have secretly been studying them. Did you know there is one castle on each side of town?" This is going good so far.

"Yes, that the thing I need to tell you about. Imetavampireandhethinksiamonetooandilostmyvirginitytohimtofindout" I blurt out as fast as I can. 

"Umm what??" she gasp. 

"You understood that?? how??" I look at her and she is in shock.

"Yes Ricky, wait open your mouth" Before I can respond she grabs me by my jaw and pulls out a flashlight. 

"Omg, you have baby fang!!!" She squealed. 

"Shhhh, no one else knows." I cover her mouth. 

"I know, I know," She grabs me by my wrist and I wince in pain. 

"Be careful I hurt." I roll up my sleeves to reveal bruises across my wrist. 

"Damn, you alway bruise fast. Who is this vampire? Are they cute" Wait who cloths are those." She is being nosey. I am just glad I can tell her anthing. 

"Yes i do bruise fast. The vampires name is Chris. Yes they are cute. These are his clothes." I smile just thinking about him. 

"Awwww that so cute, you are blushing!" I cover my face once she says that. 

"Yes I am, Have you studied about vampire soulmates?" I shoot her a look and she picks up a few books from under her bed. 

"Yes I have. I hid these under my bed cause mom and dad don't beleive in vampires. From what I have read is. You will find your soul mate by either age 18 or 1,000. You are still a young vampire but your birthday is tomorrow. You can breed by having sex and biting each other to determine if two are soulmates. Which results in a special marking on your body which will show eternal love." I am shocked on how much she knows. 

"Fuck you know alot. I am telling mom and dad about this. The might kick me out so im gonna pack bags before hands. But damn there will be a mark on me which will matches Chris's. He left good marks on me from having sex, can you see any puncture wounds on my neck? I am wearing his clothes to hid the damage done." I scoot closer and pull of the sweater the protected me from the sun and pulled my collar away from my neck. 

"Yes, There are two holes in your neck. Plus there is alot of hickeys" Fuck, I grab the sweater and put it back on. 

"I am gonna hid them from our parents. It will be bad if they see them. But I am going to tell them most of this. I might get kicked out, I am going to pack a few things before hand." I stand up and head twoards the door. 

"I'll have my phone so I can message you. Dad should be backsoon from shopping so if anything happens I will get in contact with you. Chris said I can live with him." She stands up and hugs me.

"Please stay safe, I love you Ricky" she squeezes me harder. 

"Don't worry I will be okay, I love you to Rachel." I let go and walk out the door to my room. I grab my backpack and start putting cloths in and anything else I need. I grab all my writting items as well. I put some things in a duffle bag and my bag. I set them on my bed so I can grab and go if needed. I walk down the stairs to see mom and dad putting away food. 

"Hey" I say and they both turn around. 

"Hey Ricky, your mother said you wanted to talk to us?" They both stop and look at me. I grab a seat at the table in the kitchen. 

"Yes I do, and I am worried to tell you guys" I put my head down. I hear them come sit across the table from me.

"Ricky we love you just tell us" My mom says in a reassuring voice. well here goes nothing. 

"Well I-I am gay" I quietly say. I look up and my face was greeted by a hand, My dads hand. 

"Hell no Ricky, you are not gay" My mother shouts, I can feel my face getting more red from where he hit me. 

"YES I AM" I yelled back. Dad got up and stormed over to me. He slapped me in thre face much harder this time. 

"I rasied you by the bible. You are not aloud to come back to this house until you are thinking normal." I can feel the tears start coming. 

"Fuck both of you, I am going to find my real parents." I yell back at them. 

"Good luck, your mom is dead!" I remember her last words in my dreams, i start to cry more. 

"I know she is!"I yell as I run back up the stiars. I slam my bedroom door and lock it. I can hear my dad, or should I even call him that? Well he is coming up ther stairs and fast. I didn't wanna do this but I have no choice, I grab my bag and throw them out of the window. He is at my door trying to kick it down. 

"OH fuck this is gonna hurt" I whisper to my self before I jump out the window.

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