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Ricky's pov

 I did my chores until it started to get darker out. I like to get there between 8:00 to 8:30. I sometimes end up being there for hours on end. Do my parents care? yes and no as long as I tell them where I am going they don't care and worst comes to worst I just text them. I like being alone and chilling in the dark. The best part is sometimes you can see the sunset threw the trees. The clouds can be very pretty as times.

I start getting ready to leave and telling mom and dad goodbye I head out the door. I start to walk to the forset side of town. I decided to put my headphones in for now. I love listening to the band HIM. Ville Valo is just a god. I see the bridge in my sight. But for now, my focus is one that person in the wagon thing. Their eye just pierced threw my heart at first glance.

I think to my self, I wonder what they are like and who they are? I can't help but think about there eyes. God, why does my heart feel connected to this person? I am slowly approaching the bridge and I get a ringing in my eyes. It isn't bad but it's uncomfortable.  I keep walking and the noise goes away. I look around and take in the scenery and its very beautiful. 

"Hey" I hear. I stop and turn around and look in all directions. Am I going crazy?

"Hello, Is anybody there?" I say out loud. I get nothing in return. I think i am just hearing things. I go down to the rock and shit there. 

"Hey is from me the other night" I hear. It startled me and i jump.

"Who are you? Are you in my head or can anyone hear you"? I am kinda scared what is happening?

"Stay seated on teh rock and don't freak out please". I hear them.

"Ill try not to" I respond back. I am on edge since im waiting for them to come out. I am waiting for someone to pop out of now where and I hear someone swing from a tree and land right next to me.

"So you think Im beautiful?".One of my first instincs was to scream. How did he know I called him beautiful?

"Shh Sh Sh don't freak out on me, please, pleaes calm down" He tells me. God just by hearing his voice makes him sound more atractive. I mean what?

"Wh-who are you." I managed to get out still kinda startled. 

"I am Chris Cerulli, who are ou may I ask". My mind is racing. 

"Umm, I am Ricky Olson," I tell him. I am so scared. Not cause he is scary but because he is making me feel something I've never felt.

"Well hello, Ricky, The mysterious boy from the bridge the other night. The one who called me beautiful. How is it going?" He asks me, he sounds caring. But wait how dose he know i calle dhim beautiful?

"Wait can you hear my thoughts?" I say in a panic. I try to calm my self down but its hard and I don't know why.

"Yes dear, I can hear them when i tune in . I don't think you can hear mind tho" That makes me wonder what if i were able to? Hahah that would be so funny. 

"That shit is scary, why were you in my head and yes I did call you beautiful. I mean what oh my god why am I saying this stuff to you".  I am starting to blush and get flustered. Oh my, i can't help my self and i don't know why. Something makes me so vernerable. 

"To be honest I didn't I know i had the power to do that. And thank you , i love compliments. Its okay don't get worked up:" He tells me. Don't get worked up?? has he not seen him self? Wait is he a vampire?

"Wait.....dose that mean your a vampire?"I stand up and start to shake and get light headed and i don't know why. I don't feel afraid but i cant control my body. 

"Yes i am, I live that way in a castle" He tells me pointing north. I have heard of that but i didn't think it was real. I heard about the one on the south side of town too.

"omg this is scary but cool. You won't hurt my right. I hate assuming things but I worry alot." I ask him. He dosent seem like the ttpe to hurt others but i have to ask.

"No ricky i wont hurt you. I am not the type to hurt anyone. The world says we drink blood but ive hit a low point in life so i don't crave it anymore." I am glad he isnt gonna hurt me but what dose he mean by low point in life? 

"I can't help but think how cute he is. I wonder if mom and dad would be proud of me in life" he says. Or so I thoiught.

"Thank you for calling me cute . Also why wouldn't your parents be proud of you?" That sucks that parents might now be proud of them. I wonder where they are?

"What the hell you can hear me?" He asks.

"I didn't know i could do that and it scares me. I have a massive headache so you might wanna catch m-'' Before I finished i colasped. I don't understand what is happening. I can't move but i am slwoly reganing my hearing. 

"God well ricky you are coming home with me for right now". I feel him carry me to where it comfortable for him. I can hear his thoughts. He is talking about my heart beat getting dangerously slow. I don't feel it, I fell fine beside the fact I can't move or speak. I can feel him pick up the pace in walking. I try to reach out and say something but I can't. He thinks hopefully he can make it back before anything worse happens. I am scared and confused by everything. suddnely my hear cuts out. 

Somewhile ago.

"NO you can't keep the child!, do you know how this will ruin my life? It could kill you at birth! Honey we could get rid of it and we can run away and live happy. If you give birth the chance of your living are slim to none. I don't wanna lose you and I won't raise that child" This isnt anyone i know. The voice is low its a man and he is speaking to another person. What is this?

"I know it could ruin your life, the councils forbids this. I don't wanna get rid of him! He is a boy and i want him to grow up. Even if we can be the parents to him. I don't care if i get killed. If the council finds out about what I know i will be killed anyway. I am so sorry my love, i am having this baby. Please lets just spend the time we have left. Please" Its a female voice she is in ver distress about keeping this baby.

*sighs*"baby i just love you, Marilyn. Someday you will be able to see this child. He will come out like you i can feel it. I know i wont live but you will meet our baby someday. I love you" I can hear the women sob out. 

"I love you too baby, I will eventually met our baby again. He will grow up and by the age of 18 he will have met his soul mate. He will be a perfect child. I just can't rasie him for the sake of our lives. I love you so much and I don't wanna lose you but I know we will see each other eventually again" I hear the man sa as he starts to cry too. 

I can't see anything but i can hear all of it. Who are these people. I will met my soul mate by age 18? my birthday is in like two days. I am so confused and scared in life.  I can't hear anything anymore. I can tell i am standing in a room now. I can move my body, I know this is in my head but I can move. I can't speak but i can move but all around me is dark. 

I turn around and see a spark of white. It lights up and flickers. I walk over to it. My hand goes to touch it but it didn't want it to do that. Suddnely everything goes completel dark and silent. 

"Ricky, Mommy and Daddy will always love you. always" is the last thing I here before I feel my body start to fall. 

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