love at first glance

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Ricky pov

      I went home and drew the outline of the person's hair and eyes. I didn't see much in the darkness but I can make a guess. I think it was a guy but since there hair was long it could have been a girl too. I'm pansexual I like most people. and damn they were hot. I have to call Vinny and show him this.  Screw it I'm gonna go over to his house. It is very late at night but who cares at this point I need to tell him since he's the only one I'm out too. 

        Thank god he is only a few minutes away. Didn't even give him a heads up. oh well. This is how our friendship rolls. I mean it's only like 11 at night. And his window light is on and it kinda open. Our friendship is very strange. Well, whenever we are in a place together we have a signature call. We whistle as loud and high-pitched as we can get it. Usually, the other person responds back and keeps going until we find each other. 

         Once I whistle I hear things getting knocked over and the window flies open. He also has a fire escape ladder in his room. He will lower it outside the window to me to climb up to. I am right under the window and I see him lowering it down since it makes a lot of noise. Once the ladder is to my level I try to climb as quite as possible. I have my bag with me and I'm trying not to spill the contents. I climb to his window and toss my bag inside. 

     Vinny grabs my hand and yanks me inside, "thank you, man, let's say that never get boring" I tell him as we burst out laughing. 

"well, Ricky what brings you here on this fine night?" he looks at me, I Run to where I tossed my bag and I grabbed my notebook and started to flip pages. It took a while to find it since I have so man drawing and shit in here. 

"Look!" I said and pointed at the picture. "Cute Person!" I yell at Vinny. He looked puzzled for a few seconds

"Who is that?" He grabs the notebook admiring my work. 

" okay well its a bit of a story but I was at the hangout spot and their carriage with horses and everything came across the bridge and I hid but when it crossed I looked and show this person looking back at me. I don't know who they are but what if he is a vampire" I told him. 

"shhh remember not very many people like them around here, I don't want you to get hurt" He looks at me holding my shoulders.

"I know Vinny, I don't know why but I feel draw to him like I need to meet him, I feel a tug in my heart towards the castle on the hill." I sigh. 

"it's okay, this can be our secret, for now, don't tell anyone else" he looks at me sternly. 

"don't worry dude I don't have anyone else to really care, you're my only best friend" I am very glad I have Vinny in my life.

"Tomorrow I'm going back to the rock maybe ill see him again, I really wanna" I really hope iI can maybe catch a glance of him. Or a sign anything would be good enough.

"just you better not get hurt, vampires have bad reputations," he says. 

"don't worry ill be fine. I just had to tell you this but it's getting late so I'm gonna head home ill come back tomorrow okay"? I grab my sketchbook and put it in my bag. I hugged Vinny and made my way towards the window. 

"bye Vinny," I say as I dropping down the ladder. 

I heard him say bye back but I head home. Once I got home I tried to sleep but it failed with the thought of my prince charming on my mind.though 

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