The bridge

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 Rickys POV

   I walk to the edge of town. At the edge, there is a forest. It separates the humans from the bad out there. I have my favorite spot out there. I have only brought my friend Vinny there. It is a bridge in the middle of the forest. I have read about it in the library. It used to be a local road for monsters that lived out of the forest. It was their main transportation. They say it hasn't been used in years so it's my favorite sitting spot. There used to be a small stream that flows underneath it but it dried out long ago.
    After the river dried out it leaves a semi huge flat rock. It is big enough for me and Vinny to both sit on it. It is placed directly under the bridge. It's not seeable from the top. Only from off the sides of it. I go there about every day unless I have work. I will go there and sit on the rock writing poems or drawing. It has become a place where I can be at peace.
    Since its fall whenever I come here I have visitors. I have come across a coyote, few foxes, I even came across a wolf. I was terrified. It came up to me sitting on another rock. I gave it part of my food, trying to show it that I mean no harm. It kinda worked, it comes and visits me a few times a month. This is extremely dangerous but I always bring a weapon with me in case I need to use it. Which I have never so it is good.
    Today was just another day in the town. I do my usual. I go to work and get off about five or six then head the bridge. I get comfortable on my rock under the bridge. I bring my flashlight, book and drawing utensils. I start to write poems as they come to me. I could think of anything and be able to write about it. I start to hum the song Brother by Falling in Reverse. The song is sad once you get to know the story.
I started to draw my wolf friend. I have decided to call it Quinn since I don't know if it's male or female. I draw its beautiful blue-ish purple eyes. I draw Quinn sitting on the bridge facing from the center of the road. I add as much detail to is as possible till I am finished and it's been about three more hours. I drew it from what I can remember what the bridge and Quinn look like and I am proud.
      It's late at night at about 9. I collect my stuff and get ready to stand up. Once I do I see and hear something coming. It sounds like a carriage. I duck under the bridge and wait for it to past. It was very beautiful and rare to see for the amount of time I spend here. I crawl out to see it drive away. I see a person with black hair and brown eyes peek out from the window. I couldn't see any facial features cause I was using the light of the moon but they were so beautiful.  I could help my dream. I ran home and locked my self in my room. I grabbed my color crap and begin to sketch there eyes. they stuck out from everything and god I wanna see them again. 

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