The fine art of bullshit

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Today it the 26 of October. I have four days until my birthday. I have nothing to do today so its a free day and I am going to spend it with Ghost. They invited us over for dinner. And that means I have to bring Gretchen and Damien. It kinda worries me since who will look after the castle since it only us three. We won't be gone that long but it worries me.

Ghost told us to be there at 9 at night since the daylight bothers us. But we must look formal, for his parents. They have saved my ass quite a few times. Their names are Dregan and Echo. They are ranked high in the vampire world. They control the history of vampires. Underneath their castle is a huge place filled with books and scrolls. They hardly allow anyone to go down there. I, on the other hand, have been blessed to go down there. Ever since my parents have died they have been helping me navigate my way through this world.

I always have my siblings and I look presentable for them since they have saved us. I decided to get dressed now since they are sending a chariot over for us. The humans here are scared of us and only have a few tried to hurt us. I haven't come in contact with a human since legacy. I have never spoken about him to anyone every. I keep his letter in the catacomb part of our house. there are only a few rooms but I have left him not in my ceremony room. It the room that I will be in once I turn 1,000.

The other room is a room dedicated to my parents. There picture on the wall in the middle of the small room. There are two urns with what is left from them. They are in the shape of animals that they are supposed to be reincarnated from, Dads is an owl with purple eys and a blue claw. It's supposed to symbolize something but I haven't looked into it. And for mom, she is a white tiger. It has very blue eyes and is the loveliest creature I have ever seen. I hope someday we cross paths.

The last room is a spare room, for instance when Ghost wants to come over he stays there. There is even a coffin for him and a mantel if he needs to practice spells or some shit. My room is upstairs. It is on the main level. The other rooms are built upstairs in the attic. This place is shaped very weirdly. 

      It's a few hours later and that carriage should be here in a few minutes. I decide to bring the finest wine I have as a gift. I put the gift in a velvet bag so it looks fancier. I walk to the door to meet my siblings waiting there for me. 

"Please guys be well behaved tonight, this of mom and dad. If anyone you mess up all I have loads of housework for you to do" I tell them sternly. 

"I promise I won't do anything wrong, Chris" Damien tells me. 

I look at Gretchen. "and for you?" I look at her, she signs 

"yes I promise" she tells me in a sassy mood. She then storms out of the place waiting outside.

"what's her problem? " I whisper to Damien.

"I don't know she's been a bitch all the time, and she thinks your to bossy." He tells me not flinching once, who the tell taught him that world?

"umm okay, and who the hell taught you that word??" I yell at him 

"uh Gretchen did" he looks down.

"Damien Cerulli for the love of god please don't repeat any of those words ever again. especially not tonight it's rude and unprofessional."

"Fine I won't"

"thank you" I sign heavily.

I head outside to see the carriage waiting. Damien runs and hops inside. God these kids will be the death of me.

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