Part 5

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Louis pulled himself up and tried to look out of the car window.
Louis: It looks like they have been attacked, but I can't figure out who.

An attack on Chris? Well, this could be an opportunity for us. It didn't matter if they were our enemies, or friends, or if they were neutral in the war between me and Chris. It was to our advantage that Chris was attacked and distracted.

Me: We should try to go out. We should save ourselves when Chris is distracted.

Sarah wiped the blood from her nose with the back of her hand.

Sara: First, we have to make sure that they don't ambush us and wait for us to get off.
Louis: I'm checking...
The car door opened quickly and I saw the tall figure of George. I was shocked and I could see that Sara and Louis were as surprised as I was.

Me: George...
George: Hurry up! We don't have the whole eternity.
We came to our senses and quickly got out of the car. With a quick look around, I recognized Blake's people who were involved with Chris and his people.
Me: My father...
George: Father Blake sent us, we were watching you.
Together with George, we ran towards the big black van that was waiting for us, but Chris noticed our escape.

Chris: Don't run away, you coward Lilith.

The word "coward" was echoing in my head. Really, I looked like a scared little girl who is running away and going to her daddy?
Louis: Don't listen to him, get on.
Chris: I had no more expectation any, you have to run away like this.
At that moment, I just wanted to see Chris' body.
With a quick move, I pulled George's gun out of his hand.
George: No Lilith, come back.
I ran towards Chris and shot him like crazy. I could hear the screams of George, Louis and Sarah asking me to go back and get into the van, but at that moment I was ready to die right there, but not to look like a coward.
I continued shooting and several of my bullets pierced Chris's arm.

Me: Oh, I think I broke your bones too, I'm sorry.
Chris grabbed his arm with a shout and looked at me with anger and quickly turned his back and ran away to take shelter somewhere.
Me: Who is running away now?

Louis and George reached me and George took my unharmed arm.
George: We have to go.
It was as if I had calmed down a bit by wounding Chris, so I went to the van with them and got in. The driver quickly pressed his foot on the gas and started driving. After us, the rest of Blake's people, while still shooting, got into their cars and moved behind us.

George: Your father thought that a backup plan might be needed and that's why he ordered us to be careful.

Me: So my father agreed that I can't handle it, yes?

George: Your father agreed that this is a very dangerous plan and that Chris has enough motivation to destroy you and is not as cautious or gentle as his father.

One of our people was dressing my wounded arm and when the alcohol cotton came into contact with my wound, I felt a strong burning sensation and moaned.
Me: Ahhh... Well, it seems that the new generation of mafias are going to do more daring things than their fathers.
Narrator's point of view:
Chris was staring at his own image in the tall and royal mirror. His wounded arm was bandaged and hanging around his neck.
Chris: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much for accepting my invitation.

He turned and went to the big table that was in the middle of the luxurious meeting room and the great mafia leaders were sitting around it.

Chris: I am honored to be your host.

Man Mafia 1: Losing your father was really a bad loss...

Chris: Thank you, in fact, the reason we gathered here is the same thing, to make sure that what happened to my father will not happen again.

They were all staring at Chris in silence and waiting for him to speak more clearly.
Chris took his wine glass from the table and twirled it a little in his hand.

Chris: Lilith Blake!

He took a sip of his wine and looked at the confused faces of the others.
Mafia Woman 1: You mean we're gathered here to fight Blake?
Chris took another sip of his wine and placed the glass on the table.

Chris: Do you want to let her go ahead?

Chris started circling the table.
Chris: We always competed with each other and we always tried to be stronger than each other.
Chris had now made a full circle around the table and reached his seat. He placed his unharmed hand on the crown of the chair.
Chris: Lilith Blake is more than just trying to be powerful. She wants to become a god...

Mafia Man 2: Sorry to interrupt, but it seems we're all here just to help you get your father's revenge on Lilith Blake because you obviously couldn't do it alone.
The room was silent. 'Stupid man' Chris thought to himself, but for now he needed to get everyone's opinion on the alliance, so he smiled instead.

Chris: The story is much more than just revenge for my father. Lilith Blake is only 18 years old and she is already a bloodthirsty monster...just imagine what she can do when she grows up and takes her father's place.

Mafia Man 2: The fact that Lilith Blake killed your father is not really something that can be justified, but it's not like Edward was innocent, he decided to betray Blake and he should have been aware of the consequences.

Chris barely controlled himself not to pull out his weapons and blow the man's brains out.

Chris: Well, my father was not the first mafia who betrayed another mafia, but he apologized for his betrayal and accepted to pay part of the profits of the transactions as a fine. It was the punishment that Blakes agreed in presence of mafia bosses. And my father even paid the first part of the it, but what did Lilith do? She plotted, laid an ambush, and while my father was relieved about it, he has been murdered... do you think it's just about my father? No! Killing my father was a message from Lilith to all of you. A clear message that only death would satisfy Lilith Blake. She showed us very clearly what kind of world she would create for us if she earned the power... and it is not a world I want to live in it at all.

Mafia Man 3: You are right... In addition, he killed the Vulture on the same night of the party and brought his body to the party hall. These behaviors are really unprecedented.

Chris smiled with satisfaction that the crowd finally agreed with him and picked up his wine glass again.
Chris: Dear audience, before this snake turns into a dragon; Let's hit her.

Female Mafia 1: So with these words, does that mean we should ask Blake the father to control his daughter?

Chris grinned and took a sip of his wine.

Chris: It would be foolish to have such an expectation...

He gave a spin to the glass between his fingers.
Chris: Lilith is doing all these things by relying on her father's power and influence. Do you think Blake the father was unaware of the plan to kill my father or Lilith's ambush for me? I assure you that he knows about everything and still supports his daughter.
Mafia Man 2: So what should we do? I mean... I mean...
Chris: You're right. We have to destroy the father and the daughter together, otherwise we'll be their slaves for the rest of our lives.

The occupants of the room held their breath for a moment. This was a very big and dangerous step, but on the other hand, the thought of eradicating Blake's power was tempting enough.

The woman, who was silent until that moment, got up. All heads turned towards her and attention was drawn to her.

Mafia Woman 2: So we are officially going to march to is for our own good to make a perfect plan.

Chris: I agree Elizabeth, a perfect and detailed plan that we better start right now.
Chris sat on his chair. He drained his glass of wine and placed it on the table with a sound.

Chris: Ladies...gentlemen...this is going to be the beginning of a new era for us.

Two Part in one night to make  the dealy♡
Tnx U all

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