Chapter 18

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"Don't lose this moment searching for another."⭐

I just can't get to sleep!

I have tried everything! Counting sheep, concentrating on my  breathing, getting up to drink a glass of water, turning into a yogi master.

Nothing does it, it's 2:00 in the morning, my eyes are as wide open as those of an owl and my heart is beating strangely ever since Carter's announcement.

What troubles me most about all this, is that I don't know if it's due to stress or excitement...

I know in my heart that I'm over excited at the thought of going with him. And it has nothing to do with worrying about not doing my job properly.

There you have it. It's been about two hours now that I've been playing questions and answers with myself, alone in the dark. If I go on like this much longer, I'll go mad!

In desperation, I try one last thing and start repeating a mantra: “I am serene, all is well, I am serene, all is well...“

But, quickly, my little conscience gets the better of me! I decide to get up!

Mr. Diggels is in full session of running on its wheel. I am going to avoid taking it out its cage if I don't want to spend hours trying to catch it to put it back in again.

I have a drink of fresh water. I feel annoyed and sweaty... I must look a sight!

I grab my computer and log on to my blog. Maybe there are other night owls about?

I'm dying to write about my insomnia problem but I'd like to stop thinking about Carter, just for a few minutes.

Dreary eyes, I look over the comments on my last publication. A message attracts my attention.

The mysterious Persephone has struck again: “Keep playing and you will know defeat.“

What does he think he's doing? A remake of The Professor...?

I don't like it! That won't help me sleep! I'm gonna start thinking that a psycho, dressed as a cook, is on his way to murder me in my sleep.

I close the computer with a sigh. Mad World!

I go to the window to take a breath of fresh air. The city is quiet. At this hour, everything is still asleep.

Some lights are on in some buildings. Probably night workers or maybe lovers ready to love each other till dawn...

I suddenly start wondering what Carter is doing right now. Is he asleep in his king size bed? Is he working on files? Is he drinking the bottle of rum to himself?

I sigh shaking my head! I'd better let Carter do what he wants and go back to bed if I don't want to look like a zombie tomorrow!


This morning, no devilishly sexy CEO in sight. Which is a good thing, considering what I look like today.

I'm finding it difficult to focus on my screen. My eyes are all over the place. And to make things worse. I have a terrible headache!

All of a sudden, somebody knocks at the door of my office. I straighten up, as straight as a rod, like if somebody just pricked my butt by surprise.

Lisa gently opens the door, smiling broadly. Phew...

Lisa: "Hi, sweetie! I brought you coffee!"

She proudly hands me a paper cup marked with the Starbuck logo, the coffee shop next to Carter Corp.

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