Chapter 19

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"The trick is that as long as you know who you are and what makes you happy, it doesn't matter how others see you."⭐

Tonight I've invited Lisa for dinner. The last thing I should do when I feel down is stay alone!

As she arrives with her arms full of shopping, I quickly take some of what she's carrying.

Lexi: “Come in! Come in!“

Lisa: "Mmmmm!!! It smells good already!!"

Lisa is one of my biggest fans! It must be said that she often tastes my recipes before anyone else! She walks over to the steaming pans.

I watch her lift the lid and smell the dish.

Lisa: "Oh jeepers!!! It looks so delicioouus!"

Lexi: "Eh eh! Tell me about it!"

Lisa: “I've brought all we need to make a couple of Cosmos!"

Lexi: "Ouuuuuh you! You know I love you!! You're really collecting stars today!!"

Lisa gives me a big smile as she proudly gets her victuals out.

Lisa: "I got some olives and some goat's cheese to go with it too..."

Lexi: "Great! We've got exactly what we need to make a perfect aperitif! Well! At least we're not gonna starve to death!"

Lisa: "Sweetie, we're gonna be chatting all night! I had to get us equipped!! Do you have anything to squeeze the lemon with?"

Lexi: "Yes, in the drawer, there."

We cheerfully settle into the kitchen, preparing our evening.

Lisa is beginning to know where things are and she manages to find two cocktail glasses.

Lisa: "You know what? When all is said and done, who needs guys?"

Lexi: "Stop it... We'll soon sound like desperate housewives!"

Lisa: "Me, I'm losing heart!"

Lisa stares at me, still holding the squeezed lemon.

Lisa: "Seriously! We're in this huge city, you'd think we'd easily find what we're looking for! But no! I'm always meeting the wrong type of guy!"

I giggle at my friend's falsely-jaded face.

Lexi: "One day, we'll find him, Prince Charming I mean!"

Lisa: "Oh yeah?! I wonder where he's hiding! It was all very well telling us tales when we were kids, but now it's a whole different story!"

Lexi: "If we had been told the truth, do you think we'd still have wanted to be princesses?"

Lisa: "Probably not, we would rather have been on the bitches side!“

Lexi: "Still, do you remember how fairytales always ended with the same old: “... and they lived happily ever after", but they never stipulated whether they stayed together or not!"

Lisa: “Another scam!“

We both laugh whilst I continue preparing the meal.

Lexi: "Reality is often nothing like what we imagined..."

I stay dreamy for a moment, which Lisa obviously notices.

Lisa: “Are you referring to something in particular or are you just philosophizing?“

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