Chapter 21

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“I don’t think people realize how much strength it takes to pull your own self out of a dark place mentally. So if you’re done that today or any day, I’m proud of you.”⭐

Waking up at 4 in the morning is hard... Especially when you've gone to bed at midnight after a heavy metal concert!

I hate being up and ready when it's still dark. I feel like I've gotten the time wrong and remain in a kind of half-sleep.

I go back over everything for the tenth time, hoping I'm not missing anything.  I've even prepared a crib sheet on the box, for the interview.

I almost start, as someone knocks at my door.

Lexi: "Hello, Jake."

Jake: "Miss."

Jake is standing in front of me. He seems as fit as a fiddle.

I grab my things and follow Jake.

We walk through the street in silence up to the limousine. Nobody's crazy enough to set foot outside, this early.

I yawn like a hungry whale, while I still can...

Jake: "Short night?"

Lexi: "I thought you avoided personal issues, Jake."

He smiles at me.

Lexi: "Do you know who else is coming with us?"

Jake: "Just me."

Lexi: "You mean to say that only Mr. Carter and myself are going on this trip?"

Jake: "Yes, I think that's what I mean to say."

I give him a funny look to make myself look confident but, inside, I'm flipping out.

It is therefore very probable that I find myself alone with Mr. Intense...

I take a deep breath.

Ok Lexi, It's only a day, nothing disastrous can happen in just a day... Can it?...

As we get to the limousine, Jake opens the door, with a hand behind his back.

Carter is already in the car. I sit down beside him. He's on the phone and so just nods at me.

As my eyes meet his, my heart starts beating speed records. My legs shake slightly and I feel short of breath.

I think back to what Lisa said: "You'll see what you feel when you see him again."

Ok, how am I supposed to interpret that...?

Jake starts up and I put my hands on my bag, looking out the window.

Mister Carter: "Very well. We shall discuss this in two weeks' time during my stay in Berlin, Mr. Feldmann."

When he hangs up, I try not to look at him.

Mister Carter: "Jake, everything okay with the weather?"

Jake: "Yes, I called Paul and he confirmed that your flight shouldn't be delayed."

Mister Carter: "Very well."

Carter hands me a small bottle of water.

Lexi: "Oh, thank you!"

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