Before Light - chapter 1

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  Was it.... Snow ? 

   I am not sure, but they are cold.

   I still remember, the bright blue snow, Me, Mommy,

   I remember her warm hand holding mine,

   The huge crowd, noises, 


— — — — —

   The crowd scattered to their posts, rushing here and there to finish the final preparations, jets and armored flight soldiers set off out of the wide opened hangar to the dark skies beyond, the skies raining bright blue.

A young girl stood,next to a armored Figure holding her hand, in the Night.

   An armored Figure of Light.

— — — — —

   The Lights, were bright.

   It was a noisy place, with people talking loudly to one another.

Rushing all about.


   Everyone was hopeful. Mommy was smiling too.

   So I smiled.

— — — — —

  " Be ready, liutenant." Spake another Armored commander dashing by to the one next to the little girl

" For her future, for humanity's future."

" Right away sir."

   The little girl stared wide eyed, moving not her glance away from the armored figure.

   Her Mother turned to her, and knelt down.

— — — — —

   Then while they were setting off,to the the skies and seas

   Something flew in.

— — — — —

   A screech of cracked armor sounded across the opened hangars, along with deafening explosions.

   All eyes stared, at a Winged demonic entity of darkness swooping down to the many soldiers in defense,

   one by one stabbed and mauled by the one in darkness.

More and more demons swooped in alongside huge tentacles made of nano ash crashing and pulling the military hangar down.

— — — — —

   Everyone was not confident anymore, 

   Everyone was afraid, 

   Everyone was screaming, 

   And they ran, pushing me and Mommy back.

   I was Afraid.

   I cried.

   And then, While they all ran away loudly, Mommy held me close, and said

   " Yuri, are you Ready ?"

   I was afraid.

   " Good girl, Mommy loves you very, very much."

   At that moment, there was something shining in Mommy's hand.

Before LightOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant