Before Light - chapter 21

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Author's note : There is a piece of music for a specific scene in this chapter, here is the link on youtube , feel free to have a listen while having a read :


The wind howled above the Chelavita,

Where Neo stood on top lookout,

His Starchild armor humming,

Contemplating on what he just heard.

" Neo Kun..."

Neliya came to her Leader and love of the world

" You heard what Yuri said——— The SKylord is using us, and he will destroy our home !"

" It doesn't matter."

Neo concluded after long brood

" We do as the Skylord orders."

" But what if....."

" She is with Demons !"

Neo cried indignantly to all his followers

" Yuri cannot be trusted either. We do our part, for the rest of us."

And Neo lead his group down, gliding in their Starchild armor towards where Yuri went, hiding while moving in the dark clouds.

Yuri followed Archdemon Death on Elsa's back with Lima, and Varium, for two nights they ventured across the tattered old world, across cement ruins of the post Earth Century.

" So..... It turns out that you are the chosen one."

Varium smirked, sounding dissatisfied by the outcome

" All day and night, the Demons begged for the Herunis CArna to reopen its miracles. But instead of going back, you refuse with unbearable ideas of Future ! You don't deserve that privilege of the Chosen One !"

" The past is destined of failure. And again the pains and loss you will bear."

Yuri debated

" But there, in my mother's eyes.... Of what she sees in me, and what I see in my child...There's always something ahead, something to look for, Something to Hope For ! ! !"

" There's Nothing for us To Hope For ! ! ! !"

Varium shrieked back angrily

" All we have is our Vengeance !! Our Revenge !

The past is all we got, all we want !

You thought everyone's got happy lives like you ?!

You ignorant slut ! You say things of forgetting the past because you don't fully Remember them yet ! You don't feel the trauma like us !!

Hah ! You're just too afraid to face it. You coward.

Why would the Herunis Carna choose You in the first place !?!?"

" It never chose me."

Yuri replied, strong and calm, putting her hand to stop the angered Lima from slaying Varium on the spot

" You are right, I haven't fully regained all my Memories yet. And I won't doubt that the past is very important to you. To all of us. I understand.

But answer me this, Varium,

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