Before Light - chapter 8

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    " Bradson Captain !" Reina cried urgently in the control center in the dead of the night

   " He is turning unstable !!"

   " He is fighting it ....I See. "

  Bradson Captain nodded calmly, watching through the surveillance system from his cabin.

  One by one, the restraint belts were ripped off and thrown to the floor, This dark young man stood up from his wreaked hospital bed.

  He looked up.

 And Bradson stared back through the screen.

A stare between man and dark powers beyond.



  The morning practice was harsh, and as Yuri fought on virtual enemies, Firren noticed a thing or two, something in Yuri's fighting style has changed.

   The doors to the training center then opened.

   And then closed.

   Firren frowned.

   " That's enough for today." Firren spake and turned off the training systems for Yuri to rest.

   " But commander...? "

  Yuri thought the training wasn't over yet.

   " Your moves are undecided and lacks determination."

   Firren sighed,

  " Too many distractions. Go answer the door."

   Yuri went to the door.

  " Neliya....?"

   Neliya was standing outside the door, afraid that she might disturb Yuri practice.

   But there is still things she needs to tell Yuri about last night.

   Yuri understand, 

   Last night,

   Story night.

   " It's alright now, Yuri ! We've found Lima, she's fine..."

   Neliya said uneasily

   " ... We'll... Try our best to comfort her... And tell her it's not Yuri's fault..."

   Yuri smiled to the loli, though still sad she was.

   " Can you help tell Lima.... No. Thank you, Neliya, I'll apologize to Lima later myself. Thank you for telling me, Neliya."

    Neliya the loli nodded timidly and scampered off.

   " I am sorry, Commander !"

  Yuri hurried back to training but accidentally kicked down the weapons cabinet, scattering the hard weapons with loud clatter

   " Sorry......"

  Yuri apologized quickly and fetch the weapons as fast as she could.

   Firren too bent down and helped her fetch the weapons. If it were like before, Firren would be scalding her, but now he was silent.

   " What happened last night ?"

  Firren asked suddenly, caring his teammates in his own way.

   Yuri dropped the sword rifle in her arms, half surprised by Firren's question, and more surprised Firren now cares.

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