Before Light - chapter 19

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Vitas looked up afar to the skies. He felt a disturbance in the forces of Light and Dark. A new force has risen.

The Archdemon Plague inside Vitas sensed it too.

The Demons, The Forsaken manifested souls, under his lead.

They whisper,

they moan,

they remember.

From the north they marched down, to claim back what was theirs,

their past,

From Caesar Skyman.



" I mean you no harm. "

The golden Starbreaker assured Yuri, discarding her weapon and revealing her face

" You are Yuri....We know about you. You are Lima's best friend. "

" why... Do you know ?"

Yuri asked cautiously, not letting her guard down, hugging her egg close

" Who are you ?!"

" My name is Ayano.

And I am Lima's sister. "

Yuri looked at Lima in disbelief, but Lima's stern sad expression said it all.

" I can help you. We can secure your safety, from Caesar Skyman, and from the Demons..."

Ayano suggested

" It's not far. "

Yuri looked at Lima, who was silent and grim, seeming apparently in disgust to see this sister of hers.

" Lima, do you want to go...?"

Yuri seeked Lima's opinion to follow this Ayano or not.

Lima was reluctant to follow, but seeing Yuri in a fatigue situation, she had to make a decision

" ......Lead the way."

and Ayano the Golden Starbreaker nodded and led forth the way.

They followed,

To the other side of the lone plateau, Ayano held high her golden necklace to summon.

Immediately, a gate, a Torii made of pure light of gold erected before them.

Yuri blinked,

And On the other side of the Torii gate, are ascending platforms of golden glass, widely spread across the air, one step atop the other, leading high up to the cloudy heavens. They passed the Torii gate, and slowly, firmly transported towards the interior of an invisible Airship, made of gold and glass, flying higher than the mountain tops. As soon as they set foot, the invisible airship started to emerge out of it's glass shroud, revealing high golden pillars supporting ceilings of glass so high, majestic walls of gold carved with rune of control and tech, golden wings like a great eagle spreading far out to the two sides of the horizons waving and swimming in the clouded skies in ease; each corner stood a golden alien starbreaker on guard. As soon as they stepped in the first room, The room began to turn and twist and transform to a two sofa lobby with a fireplace, a place to rest.

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