Before Light - chapter 7

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   " Why....?" 

   Yuri asked the defeated Varium

   " Why are you doing this...??"

   " You don't know... What the Land of Light is..."

Varium hissed grimacely

  " No one else does, but we do !.... Your Boyfriend over there Knows it too !..... Such an imbecile....!"

  " WHAT DO YOU KNOW ?!?!"

 Yuri shouted angrily, pointing her rifle at Varium, tears in her eyes, still not believing her new friend had turned into a Demonic Starbreaker, a Dark Unerva.

   " ..... There's nothing in the There. 

  Only Light.

  No me, 

  No You.


 Only Light."

 " I Don't believe You !!" 

  Yuri stammered, her view blurred by tears.

 " That's because you are tricked, by Their lies. But you know what they are doing is wrong too. I can sense it. Search deep in your heart and you'll know it is true."

Varium cackled, as her Dark Hand turned into slithering tentacles and she slowly escaped the tunnel

  " You can ask your boyfriend now...

He now Remembers...The darkness in him has been awakened."

Lo, there it was, the Dark finger, peircing through Vitas' chest, sinking into his body.



   " Excellent work, Firren."

  Bradson Captain nodded, as they all returned to the Betelgeuse

   " The Lights you have saved, had exceeded the numbers and records your seniors have made."

    Firren siad nothing.

   " Say it, Firren. Leave nothing behind." Captain Bradson spoke calmly.

   " Well, then, 'Captain',"

  Firren asked, mustering courage in his heart

  " ...Why let Vitas join the squad ? You know what happened to him ! He is now even dangerous then he will ever be !"

" Because he is also one of us. One of you, Firren. Is he not ?"

Bradson asked

" ...I know your emotions may lead to your judgement, I so do mine. He is...Like the children, one of my students after all. i won't leave him behind."

" Even if it endangers Yuri ?"

FIrren asked, indignantly.

Bradson captain answered with grave silence, which Firren nodded, and stomped out the cabin.



  Lima had a dream.

  Of a loli, a younger loli, 


  " Why are you crying ?" Asked a shadow sitting next to the crying loli.

  " I lost my friends !" The loli wailed

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