Before Light - chapter 16

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" Yeahーー!!Suspension's over !! Let's Go, Yuri !! Let's Go !!"

Yuka cried excitedly, already Dashing out the dorm.

( Yuka, don't shout, it's almost dawn....)

Yun whispered, in casual clothing and holding a long thin suitcase.

But Yuka was too energetic to stay quiet. She had been in house for too long.

" Hurry, Yuri, Let's Go and Test it Out !!"

" You mean... This ?"

Yuri came out of the dorm, holding what was once her broken Sword rifle, now connected to the middle with icy material. With many new parts and upgrades as well.

Yuno yawned at the door, still in her pajamas and her long bluish silver hair still messily untidied

" Come back for breakfast...."

Yuno yawned and went back to sleep.

The three girls went to the training center of Skyworld, which was ten times larger than that of the Betelgeuse, with more equipments and weapons at any StarBreakers' disposal. The testing grounds like vast field of white marble tiles that stretched out beyond the horizon.

" Use it now ! Use it now !!"

Yuka jumped up and down, summoning her StarBreaker armor in a jiffy.

" Why are you in your armor, Yuka...?"

Yuri asked, making sure this was just a weapon test session.

" Don't fight those fake Demons ! Fight me !!"

Yuka jumped up and down like a child, also in combat posture.

Yuri looked at Yun, who put the suitcase down with a nod.

" Okay...."

Yuri opened the case, raising her sword rifle like a sword and turned the weapon on.

It hummed, stronger and fueled with more Star power than before.

Yuka also switched on her water Arrow fueled wrists.

With a loud battle cry, Yuri leapt forth, and attack ! Slashing down her sword rifle on to Yuka, who blocked with her water fueled wrists, and parried, twisting hey body to the air to swing a fast kick onto Yuri, who blocked the kick with her sword quickly pulling back and swung out down in defence.

Yuka shot out three arrows from her wrists through three powerful punches, and Yuri blocked two with her sword and swiftly switched to rifle mode and fired.

The blue bullet now larger, and faster, and more powerful than before.

But Yuka dodged the bullet, with a slight opportune tilt of her head to a side.

As the two fought, Yun examined the power and combat data collected through her floating virtual screen, collected through her StarBreaker helmet.

Their fight came to a stop, after many rounds of fierce combat.

Yuri and Yuka, panting and sitting on the grass, drinking water from their special StarBreaking bottles

" Well ???"

Yuka asked excitedly

" What do you think ??"

Yuri Smiled wholeheartedly

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