Before Light - chapter 14

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Hours Before joining the other captains to pay tribute before the light throne of the Skylord, Captain Bradson came to the infirmary alone, quietly, gently he entered, approaching the deep slept Yuri's bedside, taking a seat and placed it next to Yuri's bedside and sat down.

His hands caressing Yuri's sky blue hair gently

" Yuri.... My dear child..."

His old wrinkled eyes closed, to cease his tears from coming out

" I have been searching for you, hiding you, taking you far away, from all the torments and darkness of the world.... But fate has to bring you back still."

Old Castiel Bradson sighed, a long sigh of his time, a sigh of grief

" Forgive me, child, for being too late... Forgive me, Yuri.... Forgive Papa Bradson...... Forgive Sensei...."

The old Captain shed a tear

" Soon, the Skylord may take over my mind... I am too old, too weak... But I will still try.......

You must fight alone now, Yuri, Trust what you are, and what you can become..... .....Alas,

....With all I have done wrong,

I must have done something right,

To share these memories, New and Old,

With all of you... Sweet Children....

..... Goodbye, Yuri......and Fear No Darkness."

Bradson Captain walked out of the room.

As the old captain walked pass the door, passing by three young starbreakers guarding outside Yuri's room. It was the three blue Starbreakers that saved the children from the crumbling tower that day before, Yuka, Yuno, and Yun.

Yuno the one with the curly long hair leaning by the wall watched, eyeing with narrowed eyes at the old captain's leave silently.

Yuka however, stood up from the floor she was sitting this whole time, and looked at the Old Captain angrily

" ..... Fight back... Sensei !!"

Yuka cried angrily, tears in her eyes

" Don't let it take you.....! Fight it, Sensei ! ! !

..... Don't give up so easily......"

" It's useless, Yuka."

Yuno stopped her and the let the Old Bradson Captain walked away in peace, like he didn't see them or hear them at all.

Yun the silent one comforted the strong minded Yuka as she cried quietly in anguish, of longing.

She would miss that old man.

They all will.

" Now is the turning point, girls."

Yuno said to the other two, Yuka, and Yun

" To Help Yuri Retreive,

The Herunis Carna."



Hours later,

at the Grand Gathering of Airship Captains.

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