Before Light - chapter 9

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Shooting a hole in the Betelgeuse, the Dark Unervas and the Liger Demons sneaked in the ship, to suck the Light inside.

The Demons parted ways and searched each corner for light.

Lima quickly crawled up from the wreak and saw that Neliya had fainted, lying next to her.

" Lima ! Neliya !"

Lucky cried out, crawling out from the fallen corridors.

Lima quickly hissed vigilantly for Lucky to keep quiet and pulled Lucky close to hide behind a broken generator.

A Demon Liger walked past where Lucky was, sniffing their scent.

Lima pulled out the Golden marble in her necklace and it turned into a light saber, as she slowly pointed at the other end of the broken corridor, showing Lucky a narrow path to escape together.

Lucky pulled Neliya across the narrow path as Lima stayed behind to lookout.

Lucky and Neliya had passed the narrow path, now it's Lima's turn.

But Lima waved them off

" Tell the others to hide in their rooms !"

Lima whispered.

" But Lima !"

Lucky whispered back but Lima left, in search of Yuri.



Firren stood up from under a fallen piece of roof, injured in many places.

His StarBreaking armor he summoned and checked the Ship.

The radar beeped nonstop, detecting Demons on deck !!

Firren turned around to reclaim his Fire swords when he saw a Lightning fist shooting towards his face !!

Firren slided himself down to the floor with great agility as the Lightning punch flew straight above his face, the sheer forth crashing many layers of broken walls.

Lo, before him stood full Berserk StarBreaker armored Seito, sizzling with pale yellow Lightning and his visor screen chaotic.

Seito is now blind by chaotic memories colliding inside his head !!

" Seito ! Listen to me ! The Demons have attacked !!"

Firren cried

" We must secure the Ship !!!"

" Who....!!!....."

Snarled the anger blinded Seito incoherently

" Where am I ! ! ! !"

And Seito lunged forth with a Lightning punch, bashing the floor and filling everything in the locker room with strong electric charges.

Firren like a fiery meteor burst forth with full speed and pushed the Seito out, out of the lockers and into the central area of the ship.

Children fled here and there in fear after the impact of Demon attack and they saw Seito burst out and came to the Crazed StarBreaker for help.

But Seito couldn't care less and was about to punch the floor, causing a great Lightning explosion !

" Stay back !!" Firren cried and ushered the children back just in time to safety while he shielded the blow.

" Everyone !! Follow me !!"

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