Before Light - chapter 11

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Firren, bashing his way forward through waves of Demons with his burning swords, finally arrived to the slanting gates of the North Line.

Where Vitas stood, stabbing his sword into the tight gaps.

" Vitas !!!!"

Firren stomped forth, Rage burning all over his armor

" Face Me ! ! ! !"

" I have nothing to do with you."

Dark Unerva Vitas didn't even his back around to face Firren

" All of our Vengeance should be towards the Past, towards Humanity and the Sky Lord who is responsible for all of this! ! !"

" You Dare seek excuses ! ! !"

Firren roared

" For what you did ? ! To Yuri ? ! ? !"

" I did what must be done."

Vitas said without regret

" To bring her back with Me. She Asked me to do it ! For Us ! ! !"

" YOU USED HER ! ! ! !"

And Firren with a meteor strike, dashed forth to strike Vitas down, but Vitas parried with his Dark Shield and the two swords, Fire and Dark clashed in vengeful standstill.

" You are blind, Firren !"

Vitas began to shout in Dark Unerva

" You are Blinded by the Sky Lord's illusions !

But I have seen through the lies of the StarBreaker ! They are but false promises, to cover up their Crimes, Deceit, and Betrayal upon Us ! ! !"

" The only Betrayal and Deceit I see Is You ! ! !"

Firren whirled kick Vitas as the Dark Unerva raised his the dark Shield to block.

" Then you are lost."

Vitas pitied Firren's ignorance

" But not my vision. I shall bring Truth to Sky World and denounce all his Villainy ! When the past is clear, you'll see how petty you are to point thy sword to my neck."

" I'll never regret it even if that's the last thing I do."

Firren lunged and they clashed, Star against Dark, Hate against Determination, the battle for Love.



Yuri staggered up to her feet, Lima supporting her by her side.

A deafening roar came from the skies behind them, and it loomed forward onto l casting it's devilish shadow upon Yuri and Lima.

"... Arch Demon....Death....!"

Lima gasped.

The most feared of Demons, unscarced by Light nor Arms, the toppest tier of the Demon list.

Yuri was not afraid.

She knew she had damaged it by the eye before.

The Arch Demon Death it's not undefeatable to her.

Quickly, They went to ride on their fallen air cycle and zoomed off to the skies once more before the Great Snake Demon devoured them whole.

" Look ! ! !"

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