Before Light - chapter 6

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   The Tunnel reached down beneath, long and dark, into the obscure the four StarBreakers ventured.

   Yuri thought of the what Vitas had tried to say to her back when they are listening to this so called Piano.

   What first memory is he speaking of ? surely there were other memories out there, but with him...?

   " Hueh ! A fog gate !"

  Seito approached a fog gate at the end of the dank tunnel.

   Passing through they did, to An entrance of a high walled village, Hidden in obscure lands. The gates opened slowly by themselves and Yuri and the others were amazed that Its inhabitants were already gathered at the gate before them

   " Pray save us ! bring us to the Land of Light, Noble StarBreakers !"

  Begged the villagers that welcomed them with tears and longing.

Firren nodded and turned to his microphone chip in his right ear in his helmet

  " Request for more equipment to start the ritual, captain."

 Firren requested to Bradson Captain and after some time a cargo ship was sent.

   But secretly without the grownups knowing, not just the equipments arrived ! 

 Neo, Kai and some Audacious children all sneaked in the cargo, in search of clues to the Core of Light !

   Neo plannned to seek the Light without the Starbreakers help, for he doesn't trust the Light sucking armored beings, or the glorified Land of Light everyone believed in. And also, he seeks not only the Core.

   Neo seeks another Light, a long lost Light soul of a deared one .

   The ritual was about to begin as Firren prepared a larger Light key gateway to gather as much Light souls as possible from the residents in the village square, while Vitas and Seito were sent to the village outskirts to look out for incoming Demons, while Yuri reluctantly, stayed to watch the proceedings.

The expression of the villiagers, Yuri saw, some were of relief, once terrorized by the thought of Demons taking their Light day and night, but now sitting here at the town square waiting for their souls to be taken to a place they did not know, no one knows. The relief in their expressions hides fear as well.

   " So, for gathering Light souls more than 100 in amount, we need light container sets and combined equipments here, and connect them just like this...."

  Firren tried putting all the sophisticated cables and machinery while explaining each step to Yuri, who declined sincerly.

   " Firren.... I am willing to fight back Demons and train for that, but this.... I request to look out around the village for safety measures, it's a large villages after all..... !"

  which to Yuri's surprise, Firren replied after a short pause

   " Be back as soon as the process is finished then....and see if there are residents that weren't here for the ritual."

  Firren said coldly as he continued his machinery set up. With a quick bow, Yuri left the clearing.

" .....You have softened, Firren." The voice of Captain Bradson spoke through Firren's right ear.

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