Before Light - chapter 22

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Author's note : BTW, if anyone's intrested, Caerlia's OST is here on Youtube :

And also another OST for a later scene, also on Youtube now :

Listen to it while having a read, quite the feels.


Neruko had sensed a disturbance in Kai and the other children held hostage by Skylord.

Skylord have manufactured her, with his unorthodox technologies, a body of a little girl to stay with the children, to spy on them as his eyes. Yet to Neruko, who still deep in her heart wishes best for the welfare of the children that had once treated her well before, seeks to keep the children safe si as not let them defy Caesar Skylord at this critical moment.

But Neruko suspects Kai be doing things under her nose, commanding the children to defy Caesar Skylord behind her back which will only anger the now powerful Caesar Skyman and bring no good, So Neruko sneaked behind Kai to a corner to stop him.

But then saw Tricia, blocking her way.

" Tricia....What the.....??"

Neruko felt suspicious ! And Lo, Kai came up behind the cat eared loli And hit her head hard with a metal plate !!

And together all the children hiding as per Kai's plans, rushed out from their hiding and apprehended Neruko in haste !

It was Kai and Tricia's plan all along !

" STOP ! The Skylord will have your Light sucked away !"

Neruko cried being tied up by the boys

" Don't do it ! Don't defy him just yet ! You will only bring doom onto yourselves !!"

But then Tricia, Old Castiel Bradson's hidden Homunculus child with secret techonologies not far lesser than the Skyworld Princess Sora herself, showed Neruko a vision through a touch at Neruko's temples and there Neruko saw the way as Bradson Castiel planned to join Yuri in far away Herunis Carna, a plan to escape Caesar Skyman's grasp.

" Now is the time...! Caesar Skyman had now lost all his spying sky pods !" Neruko excalimed after seeing Tricia's vision. Tricia so nodded in silence, for voice was not given to her at the last moment of Castiel Bradson's creation, so to hide Tricia the secret strategy to save the children, her identity from Caesar Skyman.

" Now is time."

The children listened to Kai who speaks to them through Tricia, the mouth of Old Castiel Bradson, protecting the children even under Caesar Skyman's mind control

" The Evil Skylord has sent all his spying skypods and armies to seize Yuri ! We must escape also to the Core where true light goes which Sensei saids will be safe for us !"

So Kai and Tricia led the children onto an Airship and escaped, bringing Neruko with them.

" But how about Lucky ??"

Some children asked Kai

" Lucky is still under Skylord's captivity !"

And Kai shook his head reluctantly

" We can't defeat the Skylord now. We need to find somewhere safe first, and reinforce ourselves to fight back again.."

And without answering Kai had news of the next step which Tricia showed Kai, which is to seek Neo, and the Starchilds. With their newly found powers do they stand a chance before the nefarious Skylord !

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