Before Light - chapter 23

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" Hurry ! Escort Yuri back to safety !"

Firren in his upgraded Alenia Custom Armor cried to Lima as more and more Demons crawled up the mountaintop to snatch The Herunis Carna from Yuri ! As Firren defended Herunia from the swarm of Demons,

Lima quickly carried the unconscious, mortally wounded Yuri down to Herunia surface,

To see children brawling !!

Especially Rio versus Neo !!

All the other kids were beaten up and wounded badly, and Kai too was injured.

Kai was frightened,

The powers of the Starchilds are close to those of the StarBreaker, lesser in strength yet more in accelerating speed ! If Neo turned against him and planned to wipe out Kai and his group of children, Neo definitely could !

And seeing how incompetent in face of peril and rash Neo is, Kai lost full trust on Neo, and planned to overthrow Neo and his gang of Starchilds, in the right time !

But not now, for he needs them to defeat Caesar Skyman.

"Stop ! ! !"

Lima shouted at everyone, so filled with rage, like Moses coming down the mountain to see his people praying to a golden cow.

The fighting children have forgotten the Creed of Good Kiddies and Lollies, that is to not Fight, and Hand in Hand, Together ! Through all difficulties !

" STOP ! ! All of you !"

Lima cried desperately in tears, knowing that when she chose to escape Sky World with Yuri, she had abandoned her friends, the children.

With Yuri still in her arms, tears falling onto Yuri's cheeks, Lima came to Neliya, who is tending the other wounded children, Starchilds and Kai group alike.

" Neliya... help me tend Yuri."

" Okay...Eeek !!"

And Neliya was shocked, terrified by how terribly wounded Yuri was and cried out aloud

" YURI !!!! Everyone STOP !! Look at Yuri !!!"

At the mention of Yuri, the children stopped their fighting and turned around.

Both Neo and Rio stopped as well.

" Look ! see what Yuri has gone through to save us from Demons ! And here you fight, and try to kill each other ?! All of you should be ashamed of yourselves !!!"

Neliya shrieked at everyone with bursting tears of sorrow.

The children were ashamed, for this is their first time being scalded by Neliya, so furiously and saddened, for a sound reason. Looking at each other, at the wounds they scarred on each others' faces, the guilt more so the wounds that hurt.

" Neliya is right."

Kai agreed gravely with his bloody wounds he still speaks

" Yuri saved us all with great cost. We should help Yuri, not drag ourselves to Darkness !"

Neo was fully ashamed also.

He has the power to cut down Caesar Skyman, but here he displayed a shameful big brother beat up little brother in front of all the children.

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