Before Light - chapter 25 - End

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Author's note : 

1. This chapter contains a BGM for certain scene, check it out here or later in the story here on Youtube :

2. There is also a special Ending theme that serves as the final ending to this whole saga, thank you for reading and joining me on this long journey, hope you enjoyed it. The special ending theme is now here on Youtube, feel free to have a listen after you finish :


Rio fought with all his Sorrow infused in every strike, that Neo can't fully block the blows.

" Neo !"

Cried Ashoka !

" Neo !"

Cried Feira !

" Don't Come ! ! ! !"

Neo cried to his friends and Starchild comrades

" Go get the Escape jet and fly to safety ! ! !"

" But... Neo !!!"

Thoka cried !

" Neo is right !!"

Spake Kai loud and clear to all the frightened children at this point

" This Base is falling apart ! To me !!"

Most of the children followed Kai,

But not the Starchilds.

" Go... Kai."

Neliya wept with great Sorrow

" Our path... Will no longer be the same as yours... goodbye."

Kai without sentiment, boarded the Escape jet, and left the Starchilds on their own.

" But Kai.... Isn't it better we wait for them... We are supposed to be together ! HAND IN HAND !"

Begged Treize the fat kid yet still with a noble heart.

" No, Treize."

Kai shook his head

" It's they who first left us. We will still be strong together, Hand in Hand ! ! ! !"

" Hand in hand ! ! !"

Agreed the weaker wounded kiddies and Lollies that followed Kai to safety.



Author's note : here above is Bradinn / The Final War theme BGM, and it's been updated to the recent version, feel free to have a listen while reading.



At two ends under the Sky.

Bradinn came forth, and with his hands he summoned the shattered Armors of passed StarBreakers, broken metal pieces of shattered Airships, and with all of the components of Sky World flying to him and reconnecting to become part of the Bradaperegon, Bradinn rebuilt an strong Heavy armor for himself, sharp edged and ravaged and terrifying.

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