Before Light - chapter 13

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Vitas opened his eyes, to discern pale white metallic walls around him, where he sat, locked at the wrists and ankles by Starbreaking armored material. He was not alone.

Androids with laboratoric equipments surrounded his seat, setting up experiments and tests onto his body.

" Can it be......!!" Vitas examined the androids of their higher class armors and sigils of a palace in the sky, the sigil of the Sky Lord engraved on their metallic faces did Vitas realize he was captured onto SkyWorld, the Capital of Starbreakers, a highly advanced city floating amongst the clouds.

He was last consumed by an Arch Demon iin the snow plains at the North Line, now he was here, that means... Yuri might also be on SkyWorld, VItas presumed.

Just then Vitas felt a spliting pain inside him, he quickly tried to shout for the Androids' attention. but could not, for The Arch Demon Plague inside him sealed his speech through within him.

" I own you now, boy."

the deep wily voice of the Arch Demon Plague warned

" I prolonged your existing flesh, so it is fair you be my vessel to reach the Land of Light."

" Then I'll let them destroy this body again and drag you down with me !"

Vitas vowed angrily to the Arch Demon inside.

" Fool, we have a deal !" Arch Demon Plague reasoned

" Have I not let you and Yuri meet once more, as you so desired as you lay roating on the barren fields and the winds blowing off your ashen torsos ? We could be more, imaging if you had not butted in at the North Line, The Paradise of Light and Love should have been already be in our grasp ! You and your Yuri could bask under your eternal love while I succeed to achieve my purpose !"

And a lab android began piercing needles connected to wires into VItas's limbs. VItas cried but wistood the pain.

" She is here. Not far away." Plague hummed in Vitas' ear

" These Skyworld androids can't sense me from here. Let me take control, and get Yuri before it's too late !"

" I'd rather be torn apart, thank you very much !!" VItas refused and more painful equipments started to pierce into his forehead.

" Fool, do you not see ?!?!" Arch Demon Plague cried and moved VItas' head slightly upwards to see a surveilance camera above them at a corner of the pale white room

" These wires, these surveillances, they attach into your head, only to see through your memories what you saw with the Yuri girl, because they also seek the Herunis Carna !! You know how the Sky Lord manipulates and steals on our memories ! You may sacrifice yourself here, but think of the Yuri girl ! They will do all this to her too, to seek the Paradise, the Herunis Carna !!

Let me do, Fool, and somehow you and the Yuri girl won't be harmed !!!!"

VItas faltered, for what Plague said sounded reasonable. Both he and the Arch Demon are on the same page.

" But how can I trust you.....!!!!"

But before Vitas got his answer, his faltered determination opened a gap for the Arch Demon to sneak in to his core and snatched control of the body once again.

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