Before Light - chapter 20

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" Woh?!Really??"

" Cool〜!"

The young women chatted at the cafeteria excitedly.

" NIce, Ayano~NIce~"

One of the girls sighed dreamily

" Going to space, With the Captain Akastuki?!

I envy you, girl〜〜!!"

" You sure want to go, right, Ayano?"

The girls kept on asking, pestering the one shy girl sitting among them.

" Of... Of course !! I'll go, but..."

" But ??"

The girls all asked, watching Ayano as she looked down, at her own reflection in the coffee.

" You got space sick ?"

One of them asked.

" Afraid of zero gravity ?"

" New armor's too flashy ?"

" Well.... What Is it ???"

The girls looked at the undecided one they call Ayano.

" It's...about Lima...."

Ayano whispered with a sigh.

" Oh!Right !"

" Your younger sister...?"

Ayano nodded uneasily while her friends fell into deep thought with her.

" I.. I don't feel right, to leave her behind again..."

Ayano went on

" But.... I don't know... But this opportunity, to save the World...."

" It's alright, Ayano!"

Her colleagues assured her, patting Ayano in the head intimately

" We'll be there by Lima's side !"

" Yeah!We'll take good care of her, We promise !!"

" Thank you...guys..."

Ayano was moved to tears.

Her group of colleague Moe smiled back

" Yeah ! Besides, what could go wrong ??"

" We are Solar Industries after all ! We are the best out there ! We still have Captain Seito with us....."


 What could go wrong ?







" Lima...?!"

The light in the luxurious Golden halls, all gathered in one small girl's hand, in the light saber in her hands.

Lima held it up to the level of her eyes, pointing its tip at the rows and rows of Saber holding Golden StarBreakers, who stood their ground with intimidating stances.

Before LightМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя