Before Light - chapter 18

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Lima, come.

Come here.

Put this on.

" What is it, sis ?"

Just put it on. Hurry !

" ...but sis..."


Sister Is going to a far place now,

Far far away...

You must promise to be good, okay ?

And always put the necklace on, okay ?

" ...It's not fare..."

" It's not fare, sis!!"

Lima, it is not safe there.

You must stay.

I Will come back for you.

I Promise.

" ...sis......... liar."










Lima, what's wrong ?

It's time to go, To Play Hide and Seek !

" No...don't leave, Yuri!"


The bells are ringing, You must Hide.

" Why.... Why are you all running away from me ? Like everyone else ?!

......please...Come back... Yuri !!!


Come back.....

Come back.........! !

Everyone....... Neliya..... Lucky....... Feira.....


Yuri ————! ! ! ! ! !

COME BACK ............ ! ! !






" COME BACK, YURI ! ! ! ! !"

Their Sky pod had landed, in the land far away from light. On hard rocky plain, a lone plateau.

The skies darkened as Lima cried, shaking Yuri back from painful slumber, but Yuri was still there, in the void, of pain.

The time has come.

Lima heard unnatural sounds behind her and looked around, seeing Demons ! Rat shaped deformed rodents standing with their hindlegs, hideous Demons, crawling up the slope to the lone plateau where they crash landed. Lima quickly drew out her Light Saber and cut down as many Rat Demons approaching she could, but more and more Demons crawled up to them like a nonstop dark wave.

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