29. Talk with Mr. Saltzman

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So it turned out that Damon had taken over Zach's spot on the council and he had turned someone and staked them to gain their trust. Mama Liz, Mama Carol, and Uncle Rich all knew that he was a vampire but they were like Violet's parents, they all believed in good and bad vampires.

A few days have passed and there's a new vampire in town and they've been killing people. Violet knew the vampire that was killing people wasn't Damon or Stefan. Damon offered to track down the rogue vampire which helped them greatly.

However Violet did visit Grams with Bonnie like she asked her.


"Grams! Are you here?!" Bonnie yelled opening the door.

"Why are you yelling child? I can hear you just fine." Grams said rolling her eyes as she walked up to them giving Violet a hug and a kiss on the head and doing the same to Bonnie.

"Come on let's talk in here." Grams led them to the living room where they all sat down.

"What's up baby?" she asked encouraging them to start talking.

Instead of actually using words Bonnie just pulled out Emily Bennett's Pendant with a look of desperation on her face.

"Where did you get that?" Grams asked concerned.

"I don't know. I just woke up one day and there it was, around my neck, and believe me, I've tried everything to get rid of it but it just keeps coming back. I talked to everyone and Stefan said that Emily Bennett is haunting me. Please Grams I want it to stop. I keep waking up in the middle of the woods." Bonnie cried out tired and desperate for it to stop.

"Oh Baby, come here." Grams said opening her arms and Bonnie immediately went into them.

"I don't know what our ancestor wants with you but it can't be anything good. We need to make her stop immediately." Grams said sternly, she could see how this was affecting her granddaughter and she didn't like it one bit.

"That's why I'm here Grams. I can make it stop, we just wanted to make sure you were okay with it." Violet told her.

"By all means let's do it right now. Do you need anything for the spell?" Grams asked her.

"No, it's just a simple spell to stop Emily from haunting anyone from The Otherside. I just need the pendant and that's it." Violet said taking the pendant from Bonnie who all but threw it at her wanting to get rid of it so bad.

The Bennett witches watched in fascination as Violet encased her hands around the pendant and it glowed a little before floating a little and vanishing like it never existed.

"Done. Now Emily can't haunt you or your dreams anymore." Violet told Bonnie. with a smile.

"Oh thank god," Bonnie said dramatically falling to lay down on the couch.

~End of Flashback~

It's been a few days since they found the photos in Tanner's desk and Stefan's been acting a bit different. He's more reluctant to let Violet out of his sight barely leaving her side. It was fine in the beginning but a girl wants some time for herself and her friends.

She's not the only one that's noticed this either. Damon asked her about it and so did Caroline and Bonnie.

Violet decided she needed to address this problem with Stefan in private. So when they were in his room after school she thought that was a good time to talk with him.

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