Taking Care of a Child

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How would they act when taking care of a child with you? (If ur the same sex just pretend it's one of those babies people get in schools to take care of ;) )


▹Dad of the year, everyone
▹Baby wakes up in the middle of the night? He's already out of bed to care for it. You need a nap while the baby's being fussy? Consider it handled. Baby wants food when you're not home? Definitely the type of guy to cut a hole in his shirt to make the baby think it's breast feeding
▹"Babe, why is there a hole in your shirt?" "I had to feed (baby's name), babe!" "Yuji...."
▹The kind of dad to fall asleep on the couch with the baby on his chest
▹ They're making the same face while they sleep and you just akfjlasdkjfashfuh

▹Doesn't know what to do with it
▹"WHY IS IT CRYING? AM I DOING SOMETHING WRONG??" "Babe, it's a kid. Kids cry." "Oh, right."
▹The kind of parent to cut up his kid's food and blow on it to make sure it's not hot before they eat it
▹Falls asleep more often than the kid when reading bedtime stories
▹Tell nobody, but his phone's out of storage because he has like 23974766 photos of you and your kid

▹"I don't get it." "Babe, it's a child, what part of this aren't you understanding?" "Why is it looking at me like that?" "Babe, please stop calling our child 'it'."
▹Spoils her child rotten, don't even come for me bro
▹Gets matching mommy and me outfits :')
▹Makes sure the kid is decked out when they go to school; wants them to be fawned over by all of the other kids
▹If a kid makes fun of your child, the family should probably just leave Japan tbh

▹Mom of the year
▹Maki is literally a freaking boss when it comes to parenting; clothes? washed. snacks? prepped. kids fav tv show? recorded and ready to play. bed? made and full of stuffies.
▹The kind of mom to bring her toddler with her to a fight in a baby carrier
▹"Okay sweetie, Momma's gonna kill this curse real quick, love you!" *baby happily babbling*
▹Buys you all matching track suits to work out in
▹Made sure the baby took your last name so it wouldn't have to deal with the Zenin's

▹Does that thing where he holds the baby at arms length at all times
▹"Hey, babe? I think (baby's name) needs to be changed, can you take care of it?" "...okaka :(" "I did it last time, stop complaining." 
▹Puts sunglasses on your baby and takes pictures of it
▹Loves going out in public with the baby because everyone fawns over how adorable his genes are in baby form

▹He cannot have a baby, for he is a bear (kind of)

▹ "This is (baby's name) and I've only had them for five minutes, but if anything happened to them, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself."
▹"Babe, please stop introducing them like that."
▹Kind of already raised Megumi, so kind of well versed in the dad stuff
▹Has a specialized diaper bag he takes with him everywhere that has a secret compartment for sweets
▹You told him that that was gross, but he doesn't care. He feeds your baby tiny bits of the sweets, even when it doesn't have teeth

▹Already has two kids basically so a great dad
▹Will do your kid's hair in the morning before school
▹Does that thing where he makes the kid repeat positive affirmations back and forth with him
▹"Repeat after me, I am strong!" "I'm stong!" "Close enough. Love you, bubs." "Love you, Papa :) <3"
▹Shows up to pick your kid up and all the other moms are like .... uh miss maam??
▹ Puts on an apron when he cooks dinner for his kid

▹Natural dad instinct
▹"(Baby's name), what are you doing?" "....... nuffin..." *Nanami panics and runs to find out what they're doing*
▹King of making adorable meals for your kid; cuts out the bread for sandwiches into little shapes like bears or hearts, makes special pancakes in the morning with whipped cream smiley faces on them and a chocolate chip nose
▹Helps with homework and probably ends up more frustrated than the kid
▹"WHAT DOES THIS EVEN MEAN??" "Nanami, please. This is homework for a first grader." "WHAT ARE THEY TEACHING YOU??" "Papa, why are you crying??"

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