Internet Hoaxes

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The internet hoaxes/ scam/ just blatant lies that they believed and definitely told other people about. Dedicated to those with Alexandria's Disease :,( rip (also dont forget to comment or dm me requests :) )


☠ That soap actually just makes the water molecules smaller so they can get deeper into your skin to clean it
☠ I mean... he just looks like he would believe that Im sorry :/
☠ He told his grandad and the man was like ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡° ) shut the fuck up
☠ i̶s̶  was convinced of this

☠ Megumi has a good head on his shoulders even as a kid
☠ that being said
☠ he did forward every single one of those chaine emails because he was convinced he was going to die
☠ made Gojo stay up with him once all night because he didn't send out all 12 and he was like this is it this is where I meet my maker

☠ Alexandria's Disease
☠ Girl, you KNOW she wanted those purple eyes and that hairless body
☠ Convinced her friends in middle school she had it and is very happy she moved away for high school because cringe
☠ me too girl me too we were all 13 at one point

☠ Maki?
☠ Really?
☠ You think an internet hoax would fool HER?
☠ putting a penny in the microwave to shrink it

☠ Ngl because hes an ipad kid, hes pretty well versed on what a hoax and whats not
☠ But we've all been 12 at one point or another
☠ So forgive him for his stupidity, his lapse of judgment, his-
☠ he put his phone in the microwave to charge it :|

☠ Oh sweet summer child if you think he does not fall for EVERY hoax you are mistaken
☠ He is gullible as ever and way too trusting and thats why i love him
☠ But it makes him a bit dumb at times
☠ He really thought he was going to get arrested for downloading 21 pilots leaked album

☠ All of them
☠ I love my himbo dearly but man is he gullible
☠ The classic Nigerian prince email phishing scam
☠ He was so excited he was SO convinced a real life prince had actually messaged him and Ieiri and Geto had to let him down easy and my boy was crushed :,(
☠ oh also the murderous clowns

☠ This man does not go near the internet
☠ He hates everything about it including the people on it
☠ never has he once fallen for something 
☠ the girl with three boobs

☠ Out of all of the people, I feel like he and Megumi would be the least gullible
☠ But of course going to high school with Gojo is just -_-
☠ but on his own he hasn't fallen for one
☠ mainly because he has trust issues but thats a talk for another time

☠ I feel like the point of hoaxes/lies would be lost on him
☠ Like the point is to trick someone but if you explained you did that hed just be like "ok" and move on with his life like hoax or not it does not make a difference
☠ except that one time
☠ he gave getos credit card information to a pop up scam and has not been allowed near the computer since

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