Request: Three's a Crowd || Sukuna x Reader x Gojo

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Warnings: Gojo and Sukuna are their own warnings; some swearing; blood; mild injury
Genre:  General/ Fluff/ Humor
Pronouns: Gender-neutral/ NB
Rating: PG-13
Reader Notes: Thank you to the lil homie who requested this for being so patient I was trying so hard to figure out how to do this dynamic and how to do it well(ish) so ur the real mvp. I tried to make is like a rivalry/ frenemies vibe between Sukuna and Gojo because I don't know how to write them as not shit heads so... Also kindaaa a continuation of the Sukuna x Reader fic ig? Also I just wanna say in these stories I think of Sukuna and Yuji as two seperate people because it would be icky for like a gojo x yuji (I know some of u nasty hoes love it) so yes keep that in mind. Keep leaving requests and stuff under the requests page or under other requested stories :) y/n really had to make a 'this is my get along shirt' for these two fr smh


You sat happily beside the curse, eagerly listening to him tell you about what he'd experienced in his life thus far, from ancient times until the present. Gojo, on the other hand, was interrupting every time he felt he had a better story to add. As common as this was, so was the fighting that came along with it.

"Will you two just kiss already?" You rolled your eyes, standing up and leaving the room to make some tea while you waited for the pair to simmer down. As you walked down the hall, you could hear Gojo's ominous laughter, and Sukuna yelling at him to stay away. That was until something fell over and crashed into the floor, shattering. The yelling suddenly changed to hushed, fervent whispers as the two tried to cover up their mess while you stood patiently waiting in the kitchen for one of them to come in with their tail between their legs and admit their wrong doings. Surprisingly, both showed up.

"So what was it?" You asked, not looking up from the tea kettle that was now boiling, lifting off the heat.

"What was what?" Gojo hummed innocently, a soft 'oof' coming from him as Sukuna elbowed him in the ribs.

"Sukuna?" The curse was quiet, eyes wide as he stared back. For being two of the most powerful beings on the planet, the pair sure had a hard time owning up to mistakes, big or small.

"Fine, I'll just go look for myself." You sighed, pushing between them and heading back to the living room, the two chasing you down, begging you to give them a chance to explain. As you entered the room, your face dropped.

"Out of all of the things you broke, this had to be it?" You grumbled, walking over to the broken picture frame, picking up the large shards of glass so nobody stepped on them, hissing as you sliced open your finger, sucking on it to stop the blood from getting on anything.

"I- We didn't-" 

"It was his fault!" Sukuna blamed the white haired man, throwing him immediately under the bus at the first sign of anger from you.

"No it wasn't!" Gojo argued. It was like listening to two small children try to lie their way out of a punishment.

"Can one of you just go grab me the broom?" You sighed, picking up the wooden frame and gently shaking it, watching the remaining pieces of glass fall onto the floor. Looking down at the picture, you couldn't help but feel the anger subsiding. It was an anniversary photo of you all a year or two ago, you in the foreground smiling happily, Gojo and Sukuna on the verge of a fight a few feet behind you, slightly blurry and out of focus.

"I'll be right back." Gojo announced, the warm feeling of wind rushing over your back as he teleported.

"I guess that means I'll get the broom." Sukuna muttered, trudging down the hall and returning with the cleaning supplies like a kicked puppy.

"I really like this picture." You noted as you glanced back over at it sat up on a cabinet, out of harms way.

"It's nice..." Sukuna mumbled, not wanting to admit any of his ooey gooey feelings that he kept deep, deep down in his heart. Gojo, on the other hand, was sometimes too open with his feelings, much to yours and Sukuna's dismay. Someone asking one of you for directions? He makes a scene and cries about how you are ruining this marriage, even though you're not married. A person at the bakery a little too kind when they give you a free bagel? Will loudly announce you are allergic to gluten and state that he would never give one of you something that could make you so sick! 

"I- is this the right size?" You jumped as you came back to reality, Gojo making his way over to the shelf and plucking the remnants of the previous frame up and holding it next to a new frame, receipt still tucked in between the glass and wood.

"You got a new frame?" You and Sukuna asked in unison, one of you with a more disgusted, annoyed tone than the other, but still with a hint of affection.

"Of course I did! That was a special day." Gojo smiled as he picked at the back of the frame, popping open the tabs so he could retrieve the picture and transplant it into the new one.

"It really was." You beamed, peeking over Gojo's arm, watching as he secured the photo back in the new frame, holding it up for inspection.

"I guess..." Sukuna bitterly admitted. You and Gojo looked at one another, turning around to stare at the curse.

"Did you..."

"Just have feelings?"

"Gojo!" You criticized. That was not how you were going to finish that sentence.

"What?! I'm right!" Gojo defended himself.

"Shut up." Sukuna grumbled, rubbing his face with an open palm.

"You do love us!" Gojo cooed obnoxiously, wrapping the thousand year old curse in his arms and lifting him off the ground like a child, reaching over and reeling you into the hug as well.

"Let me go, you heathen." Sukuna sighed, the tiniest hint of pleasure in his voice as he tried to hide the budding smile on his lips.

"See, you do love us!" You repeated, wrapping your arms around the man with a smile. Sukuna looked down at you, rolling his eyes as the corners of his lips twitched.

"Stay right there! Just like that! Say 'Gojo is handsome!'" Gojo took out his phone, snapping a picture of you and Sukuna embracing, the curse's mouth halfway open as he went to complain about the given phrase.

"Aw, you two look so cute." Gojo hummed, showing you both the photo.

"Are you sure you're alright with not being in it, pretty boy?" Sukuna snorted, hinting at Gojo's need for constant attention.

"I think I'll survive this time. Plus, you know what they say. Three's a crowd." Gojo smiled, saving the photo as his home screen, with some added doodles of course.

"Stop putting cat ears on me!" Sukuna yelled as he looked over Gojo's shoulder, the pair fighting for the phone as you laughed, asking for the photo to be sent to you. Gojo was right, sometimes three was a crowd, then again, you wouldn't have it any other way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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