Trying to Grocery Shop With Them

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What is it like trying to go on a grocery run with them?


◌ "Babe, can we get this? Oh! Babe look! Ooh, I want this too, I'm putting this in the basket :)"
◌ Sir plz we are here to buy pasta, put the gourmet chocolate back
◌ Ends up getting distracted and walking hand in hand with another person
◌ SCREAMS when he realizes it's not you
◌ 'omg I lost my mom' vibe coming from him; poor baby looking terrified
◌ Finds you and acts like you've been apart for 321925798 years when really you were two aisles over 

◌ If it's not on the list, you're not getting it
◌ A lot of him saying 'put it back  >:('
◌ The kind of person to actually read the nutrition facts on the back and tell you that your cereal has too much sugar per serving
◌ You make a stupid vegetable pun and he stares at you with the most disappointed look on his face before walking away
◌ "Wait, but babe do you get it? Cute-cumber? Like cucumber? BABE??"

◌ Takes you to a specialty shop
◌ Tries to argue with the cashier like she's haggling the price; you have to explain that's not how grocery stores work
◌ Gets bored halfway through and leaves you to go shop next door for some new tracksuits
◌ Comes back with more bags than you have

◌ Holding your hand at all times; knows this is the only way to keep you focused
◌ Veggie queen uwu
◌ Buys THE BIGGEST jug of protein powder you have ever seen; why do they make one so big???
◌ Free samples is her middle name
◌ Yells at the bakery employee when they tell her she can't have a free cookie because she's not under 12 (is this just an American thing or??)

◌ "Haha, babe look. Salmon." Almost leaves you right then and there
◌ You look away for one minute to grab something off a shelf, and you come back to more in the cart than you remembered; lowkey gaslights you when you suspiciously ask where they came from
◌ Explains to you why he needs his own personal tub of ice cream, even though he's definitely lactose intolerant
◌ "Babe, I don't want to snuggle with you if you eat that. You fart so much :("
◌ "Okaka! >:("

◌ You cannot take him shopping, for he is a bear :'(
◌ Would try to go out with you in a human disguise
◌ Where he found a baseball hat that fits his head, you have no idea
◌ Steals a pair of Gojo's glasses
◌ Tries to steal Nobara's skirt to go out in, but gets bonked :/

◌ You step through the door and he's already gone; immediately lost 
◌ Has to ask the front desk to call for you
◌ "Can (y/n) come to the front desk to collect- HI (Y/N)-CHAN! I GOT LOST PLEASE COME GET ME I'M SCARED :) sir please give me the phone back OKAY BYE (Y/N)-CHAN LOVE YOU <3 <3 <3 :)
◌ You get a lifetime ban from the store :( :/

◌ Gets that little cart shaped like a race car for the twins; makes car sounds for them to hear them laugh :') (im not crying ur crying sHUT UP)
◌ Cool dad; buys the GOOD nuggies and smiley face fries
◌ Is at the cash register like :) while the cashier scans all the kids stuff, then this HUGE ASS bottle of vodka like oh uh *sweating*
◌ Runs through the store and parking lot so he can jump on the edge of the cart and ride it
◌ Gojo tried this once and fell on his face and his ego has never been the same; a small child laughed at him and he almost cried

◌ You're not even there, mans does it for you because you work so hard uwu <3
◌ Gets confused over weird ingredients you send him to get 
◌ "Babe, which one do you want, there are like 20????"
◌ Buys from a bougie whole foods store
◌ Bad bitch brings his reusable bags 

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