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This was the first time Hinata actually felt excited to get dressed. Her audience in awe of her appearance. Naruto was on her phone as they both got ready for their outing. Giggling and flirting with each other.

"So now Neji is off our backs can I sneak to your house now?"

Hinata hummed slightly, "If I know Neji he's probably going to go home to lick his wounds and then be back."

"Sooo I got a limited amount of time before he comes snooping again?"

Hinata shrugged, "I don't know... He may not be as aggressive now but that could change. Neji isn't one to back down so easily and he, sure enough, won't let someone like me win."

"Win? Like is this a battle to him? Why the hell is your happiness such a detriment to his life?"

Hinata shrugged, "It's always has been... I guess he sees my life as simple. He once told me I had an easy life and I threw it away. In his eyes, I always had it... Perfect."

"Is his life that hard?"

"Being born into this family is work on its own. You are not seen as a child you are seen as a tool. Someone who could move our clan up in class or aid in some beneficial way. Hanabi was given books as gifts when she was in the womb. They told my mom to read to her so she could come out smart."

"Well shit... if it's that bad I guess your dad will be ten times worse."

"Yup... It's just the life of a Hyuga..."

Some time went by as they both focused on getting ready. Hinata stepped back with a little dance, "What do you think?"

"Okay I know that is a traditional kimono but do you have any that I can ruin you just look too damn good Hina."

Hinata smiled softly, stepping back to the mirror, adding eyeliner to her lid. "Naruto this kimono was given as a gift from my mother."

Naruto winced," Oh shit sorry mama Hyuga. I guess I'll have to buy one for you. How much do they normally cost?"

"Um... it depends... A cheaper one could be about two hundred."

"How much was yours?"

Hinata bit her lip, looking at her phone set up on the bathroom counter, "Two thousand."

Naruto choked, "-Uh maybe I'll find a cheaper one to ruin."

Hinata giggles finishing up her make-up. Picking up her phone she smiled, "You look rather handsome tonight too."

Her blonde lets a grin touch his lips, "You think so?" he stepped back so he could pose for her, showing off his tight black t-shirt and blue jeans. A thin necklace around his neck. Hinata giggled, clicking the little circular button on her phone, just one harmless snapshot. Now that Naruto had shown her how to hide her pictures she felt she needed to add to the collection.

"Hey! Did you take a picture of me?" Naruto questioned picking up his phone.


Naruto grinned "You know I can see when you take a picture right?" To show what he meant he took a picture of her. The phone announcing as such.

Hinata grew hot in the face, "W-why does it tell you that?"

"For little cute perverts like you." Naruto chuckled, "Aw it's okay hime, any time you want a picture of me you don't have to be shy."

Before she could say anything Naruto hissed. "Gotta go Sasuke is here."

"Okay Naruto, be safe!"

"You too hime, text me!"

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