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"Go to the trailer park" Eddie informed Steve "I live there" Eddie winced and held his stomach. The rest of the ride was silent besides the radio of Steve's car after two songs they were at the trailer park, "Can I use your bathroom? Really need to go" steve says with a grin
Eddie smiled "yea of course..you helped me back there let me help you" Eddie says with a smirk. As both boys walked into Eddie's trailer Steve looked around it's wasn't messy and dirty as he expected it to be, Eddie closed the door behind Steve "Bathroom is down the tiny hallway to the right" he informed Steve as he stands behind him.

As Steve opened the door to the smokey hallway he recognised the smell of weed, not knowing where Eddie is across from the bathroom was a room, Steve slowly made his way inside, First thing he saw was band posters, a guitar hanging on the wall and lots of clothes everywhere "Do you like what you see" Eddie's voice making Steve jump he quickly turned
to find Eddie in the doorway with a joint in between his fingers. "Thanks for helping me out back there, by the way I never really thanked you" Eddie says walking in going to his bed, "It's ok don't thank me" steve says as he slowly took the joint from Eddie's finger, placed it in between his lips and inhaled deeply.

"Why did I do that?" Steve asked himself coughing his lungs out, He finally calmed down
and took deep breaths he turns to Eddie who had taken back the joint and was
smoking peacefully, Steve stared at the joint in Eddie's hand. Then his eyes wandered to the rings on Eddie's fingers then, upon Eddie's arm, Steve gazed at the tattoos. Steve clenched his jaw, his eyes meeting Eddie's.

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