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Steve woke up to see Robin standing in the kitchen near the phone "hey rob who were you talking to.. and whats the time" she looks to tired Steve "its about 9:45pm do you want something to eat" she asks watching Steve Stand up "No its ok i might go home" he says fixing up the pillows on the couch "Don't go stev.." they both hear a knock on the door as robin walks up and opens it to see Eddie tears down his face "Hey Buckley is he here?" As he opens the door steve walks up to see Eddie "Hey Steve can we talk outside please" he asks. They make there way outside leaning against his van Eddie tries to get out what he wants to say "What do you want Munson" Steve says angry looking, seeing Steve so angry made Eddie cry again "umm i know you saw Chrissy at mine tonight but i promise its nothing...  i wanted to say... secrets i have held in my heart are harder to hide than i thought i just wanna be yours Steve, every time i see you i get butterflies i get nervous and i don't know how to talk about my feelings... i wanted to tell you the night you came over but you said it first and i froze"

Steve looks at Eddie with tears falling out of his brown chocolate eyes, he walk up to Eddie and hugs him as Eddie holds steve tight "I just wanna be yours too" Steve whispers in Eddie's ear. Eddie lets go looking at the tears running down Steve's face he wipes them off, robin walks out and looks at steve and Eddie with a smile "you lover birds what something to eat" Eddie and Steve turn around "Hell yes" Eddie says grabbing Steve's hand they walk back inside. Later that night Steve says his goodbye to robin and begins to walk out  Eddie looks to robin " hold up Steve..thank you robin" Eddie hugs robin as they walk out closing the door "Well I'll see you at school tomorrow" Steve says looking at Eddie with a smile "See you at school" Eddie smiles back as he walks up to Steve giving him one last hug.

The next day pulling into school Robin turns to smiley Steve "I'm glad you boys are finally ok..i was getting sick of talking to you guys about each other" she giggles Steve turns to robin "What do you mean?... Eddie talked about me to you"
"Yea since Dustin's movie day, that's when he told me he was getting little feelings, you boys need to hangout alone and talk about it all lets go Dustin is coming" robin gets out as does Steve. They make there way to the kids "Hey glad your here Steve i need you to drive me to my club tonight please" he gave Steve a smile "of course you little shit" Steve wraps his arms around dustin and robin as they walk into school.

Secrets I Have Held (steddie)Where stories live. Discover now