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Oh by the way is your head ok from when the dick pulled your hair" he asks letting go over his hair "Yea its ok I'm used to..
Eddie stops talking, Steve wondered why Eddie stopped talking 'Wait does Eddie like his hair being pulled' Steve thought to
himself " Why did you stop talking" he asks "oh.. umm my rib just had a sharp pain is all" Eddie lied "It's ok my head doesn't
hurt just my eye and ribs" Eddie says hoping Steve doesn't think much about it.
Steve looked down to Eddie turning red again now he knows one of the things Eddie likes "Ok" Steve smiles playing with his
hair again. The next morning Steves phone went off he woke up to see Eddie laying on his back hoping the phone didn't wake him, he slowly gets up putting his shirt back on as he makes his way to his house to grab work clothes "Hey you ok" robin says getting in the car as Steve reverses out of robins driveway

"Hey and why?" Steve asks, robin looks to messy haired Steve "Because you look a mess.. well your hair and
Steve the hair never leaves home like that" she giggles touching his hair "I fell asleep at Eddies and didn't have time to get
ready i was already running late" he replies. Robin's stocked face turns to a grin "You spent the night at Eddies.. I need to
know everything" she says.
So did anything happen... like between you guys" robins giggles, Steve wiping down the counter turns to face robin "No just cuddled he is bruised badly" he replies "I'm gonna see him after work" Steve says "Well hope he is ok.. and also we need to plan a Christmas party, it's like 4 days away we will have it on Christmas eve.... so where would we have it?" robin asks looking to Steve knowing his parents won't be there. After 5 hours of planning and waiting for closing time they shut the shop and make there way to Robins "Well I'll see you Monday.. i got plans with Vickie" robins smiles turning red "Wait you and Vickie why didn't you tell me" he questions "I wanted to but everything with Eddie happened and I forgot" she says opening the door "Well Have fun and i need to know everything on Monday" Steve smiles watching Robin walk inside.

Steve can smell him self and he really did look a mess he decides to drive home to shower before going back to Eddies, opening the trailer door he walks in but doesn't see Eddie, he walks into the messy room and there he was, a bag of peas on his bruises laying down with headphones in, "Hey Stevie" he says taking his headphones off as 'War Pigs by black sabbath plays "Hey how are you" Steve asks taking his shoes off, Eddie turns his music off looking to Steve "Yea I'm ok.. how was work" he asks. Steve lays down beside Eddie "Yea not bad, Robin talked about doing a party on Christmas eve" steve says turning to face Eddie. As they look at each other they hear the front door open "Shit Hide" Eddie says as he hears Steve crawl under the bed "Eddie... what the hell happened?" Wayne says looking at Eddie "I'm gonna kill them" he says "Wayne it's ok just some dick at school" he looks to upset Wayne. Steve under the bed listing to everything sees a black bag he pulls it towards him he looks inside to see some ropes and a black pair of fluffy handcuffs and a real pair... "Listen to me boy when i come home tomorrow you will tell me who did this" Wayne says walking out and slamming the front door, "You can come out now" Eddie says as Steves head pops out "He cares about you a lot" Steve says trying to get the handcuffs out of his mind sitting back onto the bed, "Yea well what can he do" Eddie says with a sad tone "You smell nice" he says going to cuddle Steve "Yea i went home and showed" he looks to Eddie putting his arm around him "You need to shower by the smell of you" Steve giggles.

Eddie looks up to Steve with his chocolate brown puppy eyes "Well i tried but i can't get my shirt off" Eddie tries to laugh but his ribs hurt to much "Come on" Steve helps Eddie up out of bed and walks him to the bathroom "You just can't get enough of me can you" Eddie grins, As Steve takes Eddies shirt off seeing Jasons damage, he can't help but tear up, Eddie looks to Steve "Hey Steve it's ok" he places his head on Steve's chest "I'm gonna kill him... ok come on in the shower you get" he says turning the water on for Eddie "I'll be outside ok" Steve kisses Eddie's forehead and walks out.

2:40am now I wanted to post 2 chapters as a gift 🎁 Christmas chapter with be out sometime soon so you actually get 3 gifts😌
Merry Christmas

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