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"Hey dingus, why weren't you at school" robin asks as they walk into Family Video Steve not really wanting to talk "Don't want to talk about it ok!" Steve says putting CDs on the shelf "Ok grumpy pants just wanted to see if your ok, cause eddie asked about you today" she says following Steve around, "Yea... well I didn't know what to say to him yesterday you know i can't talk about my feelings" steve says sitting down at the counter "I kissed him and told him i had feeling for him and drove off" steve looks to robin with her shocked face "You kissed him?.... He didn't say that to me" robin slipped up and turned away "Wait Eddie told you about last night" he asked, "Yea but he didn't say anything about the whole kissing part" robin giggles has the bell rings "Hey welcome to family video" Steve says finally looking up to see two curly haired boys "Hey steve.. robin i need your help" dustin says walking over to robin, Eddie slowly walks up to Steve.

Steve not knowing what to say stands up "Hey Harrington can we talk please" Eddie asks looking at red faced steve, "Can we talk maybe after work... what brings you and dustin here?" Steve says, Eddie really wanting to tell Steve he likes him he turns to face Dustin and Robin "I'm driving the kid to mikes and he needed to come here first" was all Eddie said as dustin makes his way over to the boys "Steve why weren't you at school" dustin asks "Just problems a home" Steve lied not wanting to really talk  "Well i better see you tomorrow.. lets go Eddie" dustin walks out "Please can we talk after work come to mine" Eddie says giving Steve a small smile waving robin goodbye. Later that night driving to Eddies trailer he sees Eddies van down the street pulling in his driveway, Steve parks as he waits for Eddie to go in side as Eddie jumps out Chrissy comes out of the other side of the van as Eddie holds the door open for Chrissy, steve wondered while Chrissy was there building up in sadness steve watches Eddie close the door he starts his car and drives away "Robin... Robin" she hears a knock as she opens the door to see crying steve "Steve are you ok" she says giving him a hug "It's Eddie... he wanted to talk and" he cries harder not being able to get the words out she pulls him inside "Steve i bet its nothing ok" she says wondering why Chrissy was with Eddie seeing Steve this way broke her "He wanted me to come over and talk and i see her coming out of his van i just.... Froze and drove off" he says wiping tears of his cheek.

Later that night after Chrissy left Eddie waited for Steve but he never came he begin to get worried looking at his watch 9:35pm maybe Steve never wanted to come, he started thinking about calling robin "Hello... who is this?" she says "Hey Buckley its Eddie um... sorry to annoy you but did steve go home after work" he asks waiting for her answer "Why was Chrissy at yours tonight" she says with a tone, Eddie wondered how she knew "How do you know that" he replies "Because idiot.. Steve was about to come into yours but he saw her jump out of your van and go inside with her he's asleep here... but he came to me crying Eddie" she says as Eddie begins to get upset "Robin its nothing ok she needed more weed and i told her to come in" he begins to cry "Robin I'm sorry" she hears eddies upset voice "Don't say sorry to me you need to talk to steve... shit he's waking up come here quickly and talk to him" she hangs up, Eddie runs to his van keys and runs outside.

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